Suggestions for drum samples?

Today my order for DFH Superior arrived (finally.) I will install later and let you know how it goes. Based on what I've heard, I feel it is the best commercial package on the market.
Kazrog said:
Today my order for DFH Superior arrived (finally.) I will install later and let you know how it goes. Based on what I've heard, I feel it is the best commercial package on the market.

Did you enjoy dragging and dropping those 35 gigs from DVD to HDD? =)

I run mine as a Rewire device in Sonar. I tried it as a VSTi but had massive problems with the bussing. Seems like Cubase is the most "loving" app if you run it as a VST. It took me quite a while to get used to the operation, coming from BFD. The bounce/render then import back process was a bit foreign to me but it is insanely tweakable that way. Version 1.4.4 is pretty much rock solid for me. Thankfully, toontrack tech support is balls to the wall top notch.

That app wants a TON of RAM, but I'm sure you are already well aware. 2GB is almost enough to load a really "bloody" kit (AMB/OH mics all enabled) completely into RAM. It does have a very intelligent cache function that works better than I had imagined, so even if you only have 1GB it is still totally usable. Let me know what you think of it after you get under the hood and start to get your hands dirty.
Ether - I'm installing as we speak. I am having a bitch of a time registering the product through their website. It will not accept my serial number no matter how many different ways I try to type it.

No drag and drop involved on the Mac, each disc has an installer that takes care of all the copying automatically. Almost done. :)

My setup is a Dual 2.5 GHz Power Mac G5 with 1.5 gigs of RAM and two 300 gig SATA internal hard drives. I may upgrade the RAM at some point, but at the time I got the machine this seemed sufficient.

I will be trying it out as an AU in Digital Performer or running ReWire, whichever works better. Hopefully I can fucking register my serial number on their website so I can get the latest patches for the plugins. :\