Suggestions for someone who loves Judas Priest?


New Metal Member
Mar 25, 2008
What I want is more metal songs for my MP3 player to take with me to the gym while I lift.

I love Priest but I can't seem to find another band that satisfies like Priest does.

Iron Maiden is close...but the tempo of their music is a touch too fast...and the riffing is too light, it's just not 'heavy' enough to lift by. It works pretty well while doing cardio however.

Guns n' Roses is pretty great for lifting. I have a few singles that I love, like 'Crazy Train', 'Ace of Spades', 'One', 'Cowboys from Hell', 'More Human Than a Human', 'Looks that Kill', 'Peace Sells', 'Rock You Like a Hurricane', etc. but it's all piecemeal and few and far between.

I just wish I could 'discover' another band like Priest...I swear I have about 15 songs of theirs that I _love_ to lift by. Is there another metal band out there like them that I may have overlooked? (I don't care for Metallica much)


Since you're not after faster stuff, go for Riot's pre-Thundersteel stuff, especially Fire Down Under. Try some early Accept and Anvil, too.
You need to get on Pandora and have them recommend you some songs. Anyway, I'm going to recommend Iced Earth. Not exactly similar to Judas Priest, but you might like them.
Jag Panzer's Ample Destruction
Liege Lord

Loving Jag Panzer's Ample Destruction, thanks!

Primal Fear?

Gave them a listen, but for some reason I'm just not feeling it, do they have a 'top 5' I can youtube?

Since you're not after faster stuff, go for Riot's pre-Thundersteel stuff, especially Fire Down Under. Try some early Accept and Anvil, too.

I don't mind speed, I love 'Painkiller' for instance, but the speed and the 'heavyness' need to match well, which I think Priest perfected on that album (for me).

You need to get on Pandora and have them recommend you some songs. Anyway, I'm going to recommend Iced Earth. Not exactly similar to Judas Priest, but you might like them.

Yeah I tried that for a couple weeks, I kept getting back songs I already have, or songs I don't like.

Looks like I came to the right place, thanks for the choice suggestions!

Lost Horizon - Awakening the World

Surprised you didn't like Primal Fear - check out their CD Nuclear Fire (which is their 'Painkiller') and the self titled. Those (to me) are the most Priest-like.