Suggestions for someone who loves Judas Priest?


New Metal Member
Mar 25, 2008
I'd like some more songs for my MP3 player to take with me to the gym.

I love Priest :worship: but I can't seem to find another band that satisfies like Priest does.

Iron Maiden is close...but the tempo of their music is a touch too fast...and the riffing is too light, it's just not 'heavy' enough to lift by. It works pretty well while doing cardio however.

Guns n' Roses is pretty great for lifting. I have a few singles that I love, like 'Crazy Train', 'Ace of Spades', 'One', 'Cowboys from Hell', 'More Human Than a Human', 'Looks that Kill', 'Peace Sells', 'Rock You Like a Hurricane', etc. but it's all piecemeal and few and far between.

I just wish I could 'discover' another band like Priest...I swear I have about 15 songs of theirs that I _love_ to lift by. Is there another metal band out there like them that I may have overlooked? (I don't care for Metallica much :ill:)

Thanks, :p

Hmmmm, let me think as I lift my 12 oz beer to my mouth.:)

I actually mentioned HIBRIA in a different post, I think they would be good for lifting. "Defying The Rules" rips from beginning to end. Classic metal style with a new fresh uptempo sound. Maybe TAD MOROSE would work as well, nice heavy groove for lifting.
Otherwise you're probably best sticking with PRIEST, you can't go wrong with them.
Well Priest were the first metal band I really loved so hmm you may like some of the bands I like

Mercyful Fate (old albums) (vocals are love it or loath it)
Diamond Head (old albums)!!!!!
Accept-Balls to the walls ,Metalheart and Restless and Wild
Lizzy borden- Love You to Pieces and Deal With the Devil are great albums.
Loudness-Thunder in the east
Savatage-Hall of the mountain king
Saxon-Strong Arm of the Law
Stormwitch-Walpurgis Night
Tarot-Spell of Iron and Suffer Our Pleasures
Running Wild - Gates to Purgatory
Primal Fear-Seven Seals

I use those albums if I listen traditional/Heavy Metal at gym.
I'd like some more songs for my MP3 player to take with me to the gym.

I love Priest :worship: but I can't seem to find another band that satisfies like Priest does.

Iron Maiden is close...but the tempo of their music is a touch too fast...and the riffing is too light, it's just not 'heavy' enough to lift by. It works pretty well while doing cardio however.

Guns n' Roses is pretty great for lifting. I have a few singles that I love, like 'Crazy Train', 'Ace of Spades', 'One', 'Cowboys from Hell', 'More Human Than a Human', 'Looks that Kill', 'Peace Sells', 'Rock You Like a Hurricane', etc. but it's all piecemeal and few and far between.

I just wish I could 'discover' another band like Priest...I swear I have about 15 songs of theirs that I _love_ to lift by. Is there another metal band out there like them that I may have overlooked? (I don't care for Metallica much :ill:)

Thanks, :p


Old Mercyful Fate might do the job.