Metal recommendations for someone who loves Classical music

check out kayo dot....definetly what u are looking for.. long unconventional song structures and heavy metal parts mixed with classic instrumentation. it has stuff like the cello some kind of horn and other sweet instruments in it.

"Current line-up
Toby Driver - Compositions, Guitar, Cello, Bells, Double-bass, Keyboard
Mia Matsumiya - Violin, Viola

Former/past member(s)
Sam Gutterman - Drums, Voice
Nicholas Kyte - Bass, Voice
Terran Olson - Piano, Rhodes, Hammond M-3, Flute, Clarinet, Alto and Baritone Sax
Ryan McGuire - Bass, Double-bass, Keyboard
Forbes Graham - Trumpet, Euphonium, Guitar
John Carchia - Guitar
Tom Malone - Drums
Greg Massi - Guitar, Voice

Additional notes
Formerly known as Maudlin of the Well."

ugh, hated Maudlin of the Well.