Suggestions on Blind Guardian


Sep 18, 2006
Los Angeles
I need to go cd shopping and looking to add Blind Guardian to the collection, I can only buy 2 cd's this month. What 2 should I start out with? Also, does anyone know how I can buy a copy of the last NIGHTWISH dvd? The ones that were for sale at PP7 were not guaranteed to play on North American DVD players.:loco: Oh, HAPPY NEW YEAR'S TOO!!
As far as Blind Guardian goes I would recommend Somewhere Far Beyond and Nightfall in Middle-Earth first with Imaginations From The Other Side being a close third. I wouldn't really recommend their newest two studio albums (they're not personal favorites) and they tend to strike me as being largely more symphonic and generic.
As far as Blind Guardian goes I would recommend Somewhere Far Beyond and Nightfall in Middle-Earth first with Imaginations From The Other Side being a close third. I wouldn't really recommend their newest two studio albums (they're not personal favorites) and they tend to strike me as being largely more symphonic and generic.

Totally agree, Somewhere and Nightfall are my favorite albums. :headbang:
I definitely agree on Nightfall in Middle-Earth but I would go further back old school to Follow the Blind... The great Blind Guardian feel with alittle more aggression/thrash feel
Personally I get annoyed with all those small cut songs on Nightfall.

My favorite CDs are Tales from the Twilight World and Imaginations on the other side.
As the official Blind Guardian Aficionado, I'd like to recommend Nightfall in Middle-Earth and either Somewhere Far Beyond or Imaginations from the Other Side. You can't go wrong with those.
they are all great- i have to say it.

but, like most others id reccomened one of these 3:

Nightfall In Middle Earth- very very melodic/chorusy.based on the story of the silmarillion i believe its spelled. (lotr prequal). has "mirror mirror" and "into the storm."

Somewhere Far Beyond- older, a little more "thrashy" so to speak, thats the best word i can think of. a little more riffy i guess you could say. has "bards song" and "journey through the dark".

Imaginations From The Other Side- in-between the two. its got the melodic and riffy essence. i find that this seems to be the most favored album, mainly because not only is it used mentioned in top 3 reccomendations- but even those that arent BG fans seem to enjoy this album to say the least.

personally if you can only buy 2 cds, (assuming you only want 1 of those 2 to be a guardian disc), i'd say get Nightfall. its great, long, and really is a great introduction i feel. it was my first album as well.
Nightfall isn't my favorite, but I'd say it's the best starting point, if you don't like it, there's no hope. From there work your way backwards through the catalog to Tales from the Twilight World, then acquire the remaining 4 at your leisure.
To be cheap if you want some albums I would be happy to upload some for you, since I would like to make a fan out of any band for anyone :D
Nightfall is in my top 10 faves of ALL TIME! Musical Perfection!!!!!!!!!

But, I would say Imaginations epitomizes the band the most.

Those are the 2 I would start with.

Battalions of Fear and Follow the Blind are more raw and aggressive.

Somewhere Far Beyond and Tales from the Twilight World are great as well.

Night at the Opera was completely overdone, overtracked, etc. Highly complex but not very "listenable".

Surprised there aren't more kudos for the latest. It's stripped down
alot(for BG, anyway) and every track is solid. In my top 10 of '06 for sure.

But, with such a stellar back catalog, it's hard to match up.

And for kicks, get Forgotten Tales at some point. Some of the covers are a kick!
Why not get "LIVE" released in 2003 it has stuff from all areas to certain degree!!! If you cant get that get Twilight or Nighfall!!!
I'd say Imaginations as a first pick.

Then, if you like thrashy power metal and want a good variety of their material, I'd go with one of their older discs -- either Follow the Blind or Battalions of Fear.

If not... then get Somewhere Far Beyond.
Night at the Opera is a must own. Its not overly complex. At least not to my ears. I don't get where the comments about it come from. That said, my favorite is Nightfall, then Imaginations, then Somewhere Far Beyond tied with Twist.