Suicide Shift status??!


disciple of the watch
Mar 4, 2002
so cal
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im curious to know whats going on with the suicide shift side project thing:confused: . i know that TestAmenT is the current priority(like it should be :worship: ) but are there plans to record the suicide shirt material any time soon? maybe they could do it right after they finish the new TestAmenT stuff so they can go out and tour the USA :rock: right after the euro tour and wont have to go back into the studio before a U.S. tour(just a suggestion :grin:)

and BTW, i kinda forgot the suicide shift line up (:Smokin: :Spin: ) i know its Chuck and stevie D, but is it smythe on guitar and maybe jon allen on drums? i cant remember and dont feel like digging through forum archives at the moment cause im meeting a pal at the gym in 10 minutes.

PS: sorry for the smiley spam, i guess it got kinda out of hand. :grin: :ill: :Spam:
A few tid-bits about SS...
What will it sound like? Like Chuck singing on me and Darren's songs! No really, I mean it's definitely aggressive; it's definitely fist in the face metal. We're trying different things in the project that are aside of Sadus and Testament. But by the nature of those bands, it's gonna have recognizable elements to either or both.
Darren is the primary guitarist. We've talked all along about a guest on guitar. James' name has come up a few times, me and Chuck have both jammed on his albums in the past, it makes sense to keep it in the family..!
The release of the very far off in the distance. Sadus and Testament have become very active lately. And those bands are the main focus for obvious reasons. Suicide Shift is a side band, so will have to wait on the side until the time is right. We still have a lot of composing and arranging, lyrics, recording all that stuff to do. It wasn't close to completion when we shelved it. So really, once there is free time after we've taken care of the demands of the main bands then we'll start again on something new.
It's totally a studio project. We have no plans on touring...ever! I would like to say we'll never hit the stage as Suicide Shift...but we already have! As an encore for a Sadus show last year. Chuck came up and we played one of our new ones (well, we tried...yuck!). So But there's always a possiblilty of a surprize stage appearance or bonus performance as long as Testament and Sadus are inter-twined.
As much as I agree with the bass volume on The Gathering album, that was not my decision. I don't think the level will be that low on the SS album, I'm having a major hand in the writing of the songs so I'll be involved with the production more closely. Me and Darren have worked on getting a compatable coexisting sound guitar/bass wise over the years, I think so many years will benefit our mix in the studio again.
I really appreciate your interest in the side project. It's so hard to tell what it'll really be like when it's done. But it was fun when we were working on it, so it's bound to reflect that energy and emotion we created then.
But! It's not so hard to tell what the new Sadus and Testament will sound like. As we've been working on those albums recently. First things first!!!
dunno, but that encore song was fucking badass! Too bad they won't release the full video of that... I saw no less than 3 video cameras on stage that night.
"Darren is the primary guitarist. We've talked all along about a guest on guitar. James' name has come up a few times, me and Chuck have both jammed on his albums in the past, it makes sense to keep it in the family..!"

James as in James Murphy???? Damn, now i'm really interested in this project.... Hope they will get time to put out some SS material soon!
Argh, I have an idea Officer ....... as you remeber (hehe) there were 8 bands on the billing on the last No Mercy Tour ..... so why notmaking an day off event and play a concert with Testament, Sadus, Suicide Shift & Dragonlord ? Maybe Sweet Leaf ;-)
This would be fuckin´ awesome and fans would never forget such an one time gig in their whole life .......
I'm also waiting to hear this record and am very curious to find out what they've come up with. And I really hope the idea wasn't dropped, just postponed due to other commitments and that it will eventually be recorded. As for touring, I think I remember Steve D. saying that it's just a project and they don't plan any tours (perhaps an occassional gig here and there)
Edgecrusher666 said:
Argh, I have an idea Officer ....... as you remeber (hehe) there were 8 bands on the billing on the last No Mercy Tour ..... so why notmaking an day off event and play a concert with Testament, Sadus, Suicide Shift & Dragonlord ? Maybe Sweet Leaf ;-)
This would be fuckin´ awesome and fans would never forget such an one time gig in their whole life .......

That's a great idea. However some of the guys playing in 3 bands would
be pretty tired. I dont know if they'd go for it. :)

I think you should suggest this to TL and DE....:grin:
xenophobe said:
dunno, but that encore song was fucking badass! Too bad they won't release the full video of that... I saw no less than 3 video cameras on stage that night.
Hell yea, that was killer, whatever song it was. Best song of the night...
OfficerNice said:
That's a great idea. However some of the guys playing in 3 bands would
be pretty tired. I dont know if they'd go for it. :)

I think you should suggest this to TL and DE....:grin:

Tired ? Maybe, but their endurance should be strong enough to do it just once hehe ........ ok here we go, TL & DE ....... you could ask the Testamentarios and the other involved ppl what they think about it !? This would be killer :rock:
Insania said:
Hell yea, that was killer, whatever song it was. Best song of the night...
Yeah, it was a surprise, and definitely the highlight of the year, IMO.

It was great to see Chuck back up there and singing! :rock:

I'm pretty sure the only other appearance he made up to that point, was to sing was at Soilwork in SJ at the Cactus Club (rip) a few weeks before...
Testament Legions said:
I have a mini clip of an AVI that I posted. I'll compress it and post the link for you curious folks. I'll warn you beforehand... it's really short :p.
It's a tease... :mad: I remember when you originally put it up.. what a year ago? :p

Encode the whole fucking song goddammit :mad: :mad: :mad:

pretty please with sugar and dried blood on top?
Well, a LOT of people video taped it.. there were like 3 or 4 cameras on stage, and a few in the audience.... the trouble would be locating it, then digitizing it...
Well, someone must certainly have a copy... and I'm not aware of the Pound charging for photos or video permissions. I'm pretty sure they allow it unless the bands don't.

I'll drag Squeak in here to answer. :p