Suicide Silences' new record, "The Cleansing."


Girl of Glass
Jan 29, 2008
What do you guys think of the new album?

Do you love it and think the songs are incredible? Do you hate it and think it's a step backwards in their songwriting abilities? Or do you not really give a fuck?

Voice your opinion about it here.
Seeing it's really the only album I've heard, because I'm sorta new to the band, I think the Cleansing is an okay album. I mean, GrindCore ain't my favorite, but it's good. I personally like No Pity For A Coward and Bludgeoned To Death the most.
I think the really guttural lows and the screamo highs shouldn't be mixed like they are, though. One or the other would be a whole lot better in my eyes.
I personally like the fact that Mitch has the ability to scream in different ranges, low and high, because it gives the songs a lot more leeway and room.

When vocalists only use one type of screaming, it gets really repetitive and unoriginal...I think this is why more bands like Despised Icon are forming (bands with 2 or more vocalists).
I'm not sure why I'm here, I hate this band. I'm just bored I guess. I heard a song or two from this band and they sounded to me as though they were just a death-core version of the Black Dahlia Murder.
I'm not sure why I'm here, I hate this band. I'm just bored I guess. I heard a song or two from this band and they sounded to me as though they were just a death-core version of the Black Dahlia Murder.

Do you even have any idea what you're talking about?

Amazing album.
Well I just listened to No Pity for a Coward, and I have to admit it is better than the songs I heard before. Still not into the whole grindcore breakdown thing, but the rest is ok.
Hardcore and grindcore are not the only genres that sport breakdowns. Even straight up death metal bands like Morbid Angel have breakdowns, its simply that the style of breakdowns are usually completely different between genres. Suicide Silence's breakdowns sound more to me like they are grindcore chug-chug fagorific breakdowns than hardcore breakdowns.