Sulaco Tearing Through the Roots
Willowtip Records WT046 August 22nd, 2006
By Jason Jordan
Do you like your technical death metal trashier than Christina Aguilera? If so, NYs Sulaco will suit your tastes just fine. Theres no denying that frontman Erik Burkes resume speaks volumes mainly due to his experience with Lethargy and former Willowtip dwellers Kalibas and the legacy evidently continues in the form of a strong, grind-influenced debut album.
The fact that Tearing Through the Roots has much in common with grindcore shouldnt come as a shock, especially when one peruses the Willowtip discography only to find releases by Phobia, Kill the Client, Circle of Dead Children, Rotten Sound, and many others. Despite the noticeable grind influence, Sulaco unmistakably play a brand of death metal that relies on technical excellence, and the three-piece are oftentimes quite stunning in displays that overflow with instrumental skill. Perhaps the musical equivalent to a sewer, Tearing Through the Roots is filthy; yet its also listenable as a result of a generous production budget. However, just because the trio is occasionally sludgy (The Lone Crime) does not mean the speedier portions lessen the amount of muddy, gritty icing that cakes this full-length. The raspy vocals not without power and bite work well with the instrumentation, but judging by their overall sound, its difficult to believe that Sulaco hail from New York and not somewhere farther south.
While less adventurous than labelmates Gorod, and less clean than labelmates Dim Mak, these guys provide a dirty alternative to much of the technical death thats out there. Instead of robotic, inhuman musicianship coupled with far too little deviation from the subgenres norms Tearing Through the Roots comes across like an organic, genuine piece of work. Still, as I stated in my review of Gorods Leading Vision, theres tough competition this year so Sulaco will have a daunting fray ahead of them if they opt to engage their opponents. Its a battle I doubt they would win, although in truth, the listener triumphs regardless.
UMs Review Rating Scale
Official Sulaco Website
Official Willowtip Records Website
Willowtip Records WT046 August 22nd, 2006
By Jason Jordan

Do you like your technical death metal trashier than Christina Aguilera? If so, NYs Sulaco will suit your tastes just fine. Theres no denying that frontman Erik Burkes resume speaks volumes mainly due to his experience with Lethargy and former Willowtip dwellers Kalibas and the legacy evidently continues in the form of a strong, grind-influenced debut album.
The fact that Tearing Through the Roots has much in common with grindcore shouldnt come as a shock, especially when one peruses the Willowtip discography only to find releases by Phobia, Kill the Client, Circle of Dead Children, Rotten Sound, and many others. Despite the noticeable grind influence, Sulaco unmistakably play a brand of death metal that relies on technical excellence, and the three-piece are oftentimes quite stunning in displays that overflow with instrumental skill. Perhaps the musical equivalent to a sewer, Tearing Through the Roots is filthy; yet its also listenable as a result of a generous production budget. However, just because the trio is occasionally sludgy (The Lone Crime) does not mean the speedier portions lessen the amount of muddy, gritty icing that cakes this full-length. The raspy vocals not without power and bite work well with the instrumentation, but judging by their overall sound, its difficult to believe that Sulaco hail from New York and not somewhere farther south.
While less adventurous than labelmates Gorod, and less clean than labelmates Dim Mak, these guys provide a dirty alternative to much of the technical death thats out there. Instead of robotic, inhuman musicianship coupled with far too little deviation from the subgenres norms Tearing Through the Roots comes across like an organic, genuine piece of work. Still, as I stated in my review of Gorods Leading Vision, theres tough competition this year so Sulaco will have a daunting fray ahead of them if they opt to engage their opponents. Its a battle I doubt they would win, although in truth, the listener triumphs regardless.
UMs Review Rating Scale
Official Sulaco Website
Official Willowtip Records Website