Electro Quarterstaff - Gretzky


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Electro Quarterstaff – Gretzky
Willowtip Records – WT-048 – October 24th, 2006
By Jason Jordan


This year has been another good one for Willowtip Records – in the areas of grind (Phobia) and technical death metal (Dim Mak, Gorod, Sulaco), specifically – and we’ve yet to hear the much-anticipated United in Regret from the critically acclaimed Arsis, which is slated for release on November 12th. For now, though, perhaps Canadian unit Electro Quarterstaff will be able to tide you over with their intriguing blend of instrumental music that brushes against grind, sludge, and others via “triple-axe” attack.

One of the main drawbacks is that – from the beginning of “Neckwrecker” and on – Gretzky seems a tad too under-produced, which makes it even more difficult to distinguish between the respective guitar parts. Still, the group’s ostensible affinity for sludge and grind arguably rationalizes the lack of crystal-clear production values. Aside from the magnificent, surrealist artwork and humorous album/song titles (“Charmony,” “The Right to Arm Bears,” “Something Awry in the Hetfield of Dreams”), Electro Quarterstaff aren’t really a step above most instrumental bands. However, the melodies that are strewn throughout the follow-up to Swayze are the most interesting, and as a result, the most gratifying aspect of this full-length. The 8-bit leanings in “Charmony” shouldn’t be missed, nor the soundclip-cum-grind of “The Right to Arm Bears.” There’s even some Mastodon-type riffing floating around on Gretzky.

Overall, Electro Quarterstaff are far from the commonplace – a heavy, instrumental four-piece that houses a guitar trio and provides respite from the usual Willowtip entry. I wouldn’t call it riveting, but for the price, I’d say it’s a good deal. The label does have superior records in its discography, though.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Electro Quarterstaff Website
Official Willowtip Records Website
It sounds very interesting to say the least. So there are three guitarists, and a drummer? No bassist? Hmmm... I checked out one of their songs from the MySpace page, and it starts out with a lot of square wave bloops, sounds cool like NES-music. The rest of this short number is pretty impressive methinks... A verse with the guitars playing what the bloops were, then the chorus is riddled with blastbeats.. It really does sound like an NES song cover though, maybe that's what it is? Hmmm well good review here sir! Made me go check them out... :p
Oinkness said:
It really does sound like an NES song cover though, maybe that's what it is?

That's what I thought too, but I couldn't find any info in the liner notes about it, unless I just missed it.