Summer Breeze 2004

I sure wish I could have made it there this year. Vintersorg, Finntroll,and ensiferum alone would almost cause me to scream like a little girl and there is nothing more wierd than a heavily tattooed metal boy screaming like a little girl.:ill:

have fun and give your after fest reports:Spin:
Just a brief note that I'm back. The festival was definitely a little too wet :(
Still, V did an awesome show, actually the best I've seen so far. The crowd was really into it too :)
More as I feel alive again, hehe.

I hope everything went well with the bus to Slovenia? ;) From the Brainstorm guys I heard the bus ride was a little exhausting to say the least. But by the time you read this you're all back home safely I guess :)
Yeah, it was great! I stood in the 2nd/3rd row right in front of the band.
But it's a pity that you, the band, didn't go on playing after all the calls for "Zugabe!"...
Thidrek said:
But it's a pity that you, the band, didn't go on playing after all the calls for "Zugabe!"...
There was a very strict schedule for the playing times... no band was allowed to play longer, so it wasn`t the choice of the band, but of the organizers. Even Finntroll (being last band) couldn´t go on playing (they really wanted to), as it had to be silent after 1 o`clock in the morning (law in that area)...
Sure, I know. But in my opinion they (the organisation) should handle it in another way. Why don't they turn the stage a bit so that 2 bands can play at the same time for.. ~5 minutes. Then bands were able to play one more song if the crowd wishes to.
Does anyone remember some more songs from the setlist for Summerbreeze? I can`t get my brain clear to remember all... all I remember is: Till fjälls (who might have thought so!? :p ), För kung och fosterland as a special surprise for some guy, Spegelsphären (sorry for spelling mistakes... too lazy to go to the CD shelves and look at the correct title), A sphere in a sphere... hm, what else??? :confused:
Thidrek said:
Sure, I know. But in my opinion they (the organisation) should handle it in another way. Why don't they turn the stage a bit so that 2 bands can play at the same time for.. ~5 minutes. Then bands were able to play one more song if the crowd wishes to.

we wanted to play for 80 minutes,, we had

mr V
It's really impressive that you come to an open air for only 40 minutes of playing time.
Last year the bands had a lot of more time to play but I think many complaints had been filed by some people of the commune of Abtsgmünd (What a terrible name..).
It was a really cool show.

but as steve digiorgio is one of my idols i was a little bit sad that he wasn't there.
Asgeir wasn't ther too.

Why??? :yell:
Thidrek said:
What, you came from USA to Europe for Summer Breeze?
Someone told me there was an Israelic but that is not as far as America!
Actually went for Wacken, Party San and Summer Breeze