Decent show last night in Mokena,Il.
Suprised at the turnout. Very packed show as they usually don't open the upstairs for standing room. You get a great view up there of the band, moshpits, rowdiness etc. Very young crowd tho'. Im 27 and seemed like I was one of the oldest fuckers there
. A few kids were trying to smoke a bowl in the corner upstairs and my buddy and I kept staring at her w/ our arms crossed acting like security. She quickly rummaged and threw it back in her pocket every time. Hilarious!
Another kid must have been so stoned or whatever he was actually sleeping on the floor all sprawled out. WTF??
Got there when Cattle Decapitation was on.
Didnt care for them much. The singer was stumbling all over the place all drunk or something, and they seemed way off key.
Pretty bad performance to be honest. All over the place.
Next was Cephalic Carnage.
Im not much for Grind but they impressed me.
Jazzy breakdowns proceeding into breakneck speeds. Even trippy interludes. Very hard band to describe and way different...not in bad way. The singer incided a "circle pit" and it was one of the biggest ones Ive seen. Security got thrown in the middle of it and that gave me an even bigger laugh. Lots of stage presence and energy.
Next: Decaptitated
Keep in mind Ive never seen any of these bands live before.
Very tight band with a huge following from Poland. They were standing right up front with a Polish flag with Decapitated written on there. Pretty cool. They reminded me of Meshuggah at times...even Fear Factory(but WAY heavier). Tight as hell and enjoyed every minute of them.
Last but not least was Necrophagist:
Highlight of the show for me.
Lead vocals and ridiculously perfect guitar work from none other than Muhammed Suicmez. The dude is a riff machine. Barreling one killer riff into another with ease. Go on their my space page and check him out whaling away to a custom built Ibanez built just for him. The bassist reminded me of the lead singer of Soilwork w/ the bald head. His stance on stage w/ his legs far apart and his bass held upright. Enjoyable to watch.
Like the dude said above...the synchronized guitar work between both guitarists was flawless.
The fuckers have tremendous talent. Just wish they had a longer set. I think it was only 45 min. (dont remember much. I drink too much
Id recommend it if this tour comes to your town.