SUMMERBREEZE 2007 - Girl from Portugal


board elite
Aug 22, 2007

I'm looking for a girl from Portugal I met at Summerbreeze while DT were performing. She was nearly as crazy about this band as I am.
If you cannot deny following points feel free to write me an Email immediately!

- Your name is Sonya
-You are a young girl, who watched Dark Tranquillity at Summerbreeze,
-You are from Portugal
-You wore a black-red striped DT-girlie
-You have long red really curly hair
- After you handed me a lighter we started to have a nice chat about the band
- You stood right next to me while Mikael did his crowdsurf

I hope someone recongnizes this and I get in contact with this grat portugese DT-maniac.

@ -punish_my_heaven-, first of all welcome to the DT forum
Good luck with your search for Sonya, maybe she will see your post and make contact, as for brownden's remark, he/she /it is an IDIOT, reminds me of when forum members are very enthused about something/anything, they are called fan boys, gay and the like. I don't understand these people like brownden, I always think their mommy and daddy did not love them as children. When someone is caring, happy they must be negative because that's all they know.
btw, I know of several forum members who have hooked up through contact on UM, because I'm one of them -
Well, the red long curly hair applies to me, but my name is not Sonya and i'm not from Portugal.
His name is Mikael, and he's Swedish, you dick.

Oh, Mikael has got an alibi being busy with crowdsurfing? I see... well, anyway, I think it's about time she's getting her gangbang with her 7 year long (and 3 inch thick) boyfriend named Pasqual and his crazy brothel in lew while listening to new Moonspell, haha! And someone, I'm sure as hell, is taping that, so you might check that new YouTube-like porn service, cuz it's going on there!

I don't understand these people like brownden, I always think their mommy and daddy did not love them as children. When someone is caring, happy they must be negative because that's all they know.

I don't understnad why people don't establish contact while they can, instead they start using Internet not just for gay porn and trying to find someone on a band's forum. I know I did that, and that was SO. GHEY.

I, actually, dress as a redhead and pretend to speak Portuguese while going to some shows. Last thing I want is my secret gone public.

p.s. Oh shit. Pasqual is home.
Shouldn't we all support love as it is the greatest thing there is.:danceboy:

Well, at least this discussion will keep the thread on the first page for a while and increases the chance someone will see it.
@ -punish_my_heaven-, first of all welcome to the DT forum
Good luck with your search for Sonya, maybe she will see your post and make contact, as for brownden's remark, he/she /it is an IDIOT, reminds me of when forum members are very enthused about something/anything, they are called fan boys, gay and the like. I don't understand these people like brownden, I always think their mommy and daddy did not love them as children. When someone is caring, happy they must be negative because that's all they know.
btw, I know of several forum members who have hooked up through contact on UM, because I'm one of them -

Why does everybody on this forum jump to conclusions everytime I speak my mind? The fact that I pointed out that our forum is being abused obviously means my daddy beat my mommy, and that my uncle molested me as a child, and that I am hurting so bad inside that I can't live with the fact somebody else may be happy.
Take a chill pill La Rocque, I'm not trying to be an ass. That's the last thing I'm going to say in this thread.
Take a chill pill La Rocque, I'm not trying to be an ass. That's the last thing I'm going to say in this thread.

Don't worry too much about it, brownden: take a group of a couple of dozen people and one of them is bound to call you an idiot every time you post, whatever you post. It didn't use to be like this around here, to be honest, but it's getting as bad as the rest of the web of late, and although new rules will be up soon, I doubt this will stop the spiral of rudeness. However, it's not everybody on this forum, yet.

For the record, it's not so much the namecalling that bothers me, or the difference in opinions (I can certainly see why this thread could be considered funny in a sad kind of way, or sad in a funny kind of way, but on the other hand it's still just a guy hoping to find someone he met and using the only means he probably has), but the underlying tension: disagree with me on an online board? Feel my sanctimonious wrath like it's 1999! Can't you guys just make a joke and move on?
My mommy beat my daddy, and my son molested me as a child, and I am hurting so bad inside that I can't live with the fact somebody else may be happy. That is why I cut myself everyday just so the pain makes me feel alive.

They really did all those terrible things to you? I am really sorry.

Guess what comes next. Is it obvious? Is it a smiley? Is it a dancing smiley? Hell yeah.

Can't you guys just make a joke and move on?

Mission accomplished.

(This post is not meant to be offensive. I just felt like writing a bad joke in this thread.)
Mrs. Pacman hired me to test Mr. Pacman's faithfulness. Well, sucks to be her, she's alone now. :devil: *maniac laughter*

Just for the record: I am neither homo nor bi.
This confirms my idea that Germans have a relationship with smileys that is, for lack of a better word, entirely sick.

I don't see anything wrong with the idea of trying to find someone they met at a concert through the forum dedicated to the band who was playing. I really don't see why it should be that ridiculous. And maybe I am also losing my sense of humor, but I am really bothered by this continuous throwing around of the word "gay" as an insult. If you were homosexual or had close relatives/friends who are you wouldn't like that, now would you? And I know that the word and more derogatory variations are actually used as a playful insult among gays themselves, but it's different. I can backslap a gay friend and say "How is it going, fag?" without him taking offense. And of course I just made a joke about Germans that is based on generalizations. But I wouldn't call people "gay" to mean "stupid" any more than I would call them "my pals" (or "Germans" :p).
And maybe I am also losing my sense of humor, but I am really bothered by this continuous throwing around of the word "gay" as an insult.

There are pages dedicated to this debate on several comedy sites. Personally, I must have missed the Internet-era when calling things/people GAY was catching, because - unlike other horrid typing habits - I seem to be fairly immune from this one. On the one hand, it seems to be a fad (that's a D at the end there) of the "all your base..." kind, completely detached from homophobia or, in fact, the brain as a whole. On the other, I can see why it could be annoying since it remains used solely as a derogatory term one way or the other, and I assume homosexual people would love it to become a neutral adjective, such as - wondering what's coming next? - short. You can certainly toss "short" around as an insult, although it must be remembered that nobody tosses a dwarf, to quote another catchphrase of yore. But it's unlikely to become as obsessive as "this is gay", and I guess this is because dwarfism as a whole is less slapstick-comedy inspiring than male homosexuality. You can't fight these gut reactions in people, I think: the unfortunate soul with pie on his face (in this case probably with his pants down, and oh god the possibilities for jokes keep multiplying) is forever going to be laughed at. Still, I don't know if this is any consolation but FATTIES are currently a very close runner-up and I suggest all homosexuals band together and get behind a motion to promote laughing at obesity.
well, the thing is that being fit is your responsibility, being heterosexual isn't. i see the potential for sophomoric jokes about gays, but i guess there's a general potential for sophomoric jokes whenever sex is concerned. i propose that the next version of the rules includes, if not an outright ban, at least a suggestion that hate-inciting language should be avoided. i am not trying to make this forum PC, but i guess that you would close a thread entitled "RAP MUSIC IS A FUCKING SCAM CREATED BY FUCKING COONS TO GET THE MONEY OF THE WHITE MAN".
i propose that the next version of the rules includes, if not an outright ban, at least a suggestion that hate-inciting language should be avoided. i am not trying to make this forum PC, but i guess that you would close a thread entitled "RAP MUSIC IS A FUCKING SCAM CREATED BY FUCKING COONS TO GET THE MONEY OF THE WHITE MAN".

Racist remarks in thread titles have never been allowed. An excerpt from the new rules goes:

"Profanity and racism need even more post content in addition to the offending words to be tolerated, and we cannot see us ever being ok with either in thread titles."

The "even more" refers to the quantity of content per "normal" vulgar language. I think this addresses the problem enough to keep it under the radar. Purging users' language from more subtle hints that they despise homosexuals or black people or whatever is impossible, but the above should give me ground to get rid of hatemongers with just that card up their sleeves.
yeah, good move. it's not mindless censorship and yet it allows you to formally dispense with people who write OMG THIS IS TEH GAY in their posts. it's good to have a policy that will actually allow the civil expression of non-pc stances, but will crack down on thoughless offenses toward specific groups.

btw - wasn't implying that you'd tolerate racist thread titles, just making an example that would rightfully cause a reaction, and saying that it would be good if insults against gay people were handled the same way. which they will with the new rules so thank you. :)
Okay I lied, I have to post again in this thread haha.

I apologize if using "gay" as an adjective was offensive and I'll refrain in the future from using it as such. But to be fair, where I come from, since I was young, and still to this day, nearly everyone I have contact with uses "gay" in such a manor. I have no problem whatsoever with gays. My best friend is bisexual actually, and he even uses "fag" and "gay" derogitorally (if that's a word). It's just how things have been since I can remember (must be a north american thing). But I understand where hyena rahvin are coming from and I can respect yours and everyone else's opinions on the matter. If it was the other way around I'd expect you guys to do the same for me.
Now let's all put a close to this discussion and let our new friend find his lost love.
@brownden: See, that sort of is the point. I don't want to target people who honestly do not feel like they're using it as an insult and have clearly stopped making the connection emasculation = deprecation on a conscious level. But it would still be necessary to stop the occasional homophobe who sees a gay person around every corner and feels the need to exorcise the thought by using the word fifty times in every post.
Three side notes:

1. Never ever say you won't post anymore.

2. Never ever trust a bisexual man.

nearly everyone I have contact with uses "gay" in such a manor

That must be one hip house you live in. :p