Sun Caged


Yeah... Whatever
Jul 27, 2002
Santiago, Chile
Can anyone please tell me what the name means???
Shouldn't it be Caged Sun? ...or perhaps... The sun that is caged, or... sun in a cage... or ... whatever:confused::)
one could see it that way:
first, an example. Dungeon trapped means trapped in/by a dungeon, so Sun Caged would mean that the sun, which is a master element of our universe is a kind of jail in the band's concept. So we could say that the sun, and thus our universe, is somewhat of a limit for us, that "there is more to this world than we see with our eyes" (flower kings lol), or just that this world is just... not enough.
Just my 2 cents :)
Redelijk said:

Imagine the sun in a cage. "Impossible", you’ll say. That’s what people would have said 200 years ago too when you’d have told them we’ll be able to fly to the moon, and even walk around on it, in 150 years.
Some things *are* inpossible :grin:

Well ok, maybe it is possible, but what's the point in caging the sun? To show we can control it? Hm, maybe. Ok good explanation :lol:
funny that my vision of the thing somewhat joins yours in the fact that, as the world isnt enough for the human, he will keep trying to experiment on/master things that are beyond his own strengths and knowledge :)

how do people say again? great minds think alike, is that it? ;)
[offtopic in dutch mode] He dennis, ben jij toevallig vandaag in Ayers rock(outdoorcentrum in Zoetermeer) geweest? Ik zag D.Leeflang op een inschrijfpapiertje staan :) Is dit niet zo, negeer dit bericht dan maar [offtopic in dutch mode off]
The name "sun caged" will be explained several times and in different context in the lyrics. Read them and try to figure it out... :)