

Oct 7, 2008
I got bored so I decided to google for a metal forum, this place looks cool. My favorite metal bands are Metallica, Motley Crue, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, and Dragonforce. About Dragonforce, everyone seems to think they're lame and stuff, but I'm not gonna say I don't like them just because other people think I should. I draw the logos of metal bands on desks at school sometimes, mostly Metallica and Motley Crue. ACDC too but that's irrelivent I guess, this is a metal forum. :P Me and some of my friends plan on starting a hard rock/metal band soon, I play guitar, I'm sorta good at it, the other guitarist is still learning though, we might just have him play bass instead. And we have a good drummer.
So, anyone else like the bands I listed?