Super 8 Motel?

AngraRULES said:
Im sorry, that's kind of a stupid excuse (reason). I mean, come on, didn't guys ever honk at you before?

Seriously, if that made you think it's "not a good place to be walking by late at night", you shouldn't go out of the house, anywhere, period.

Don't guys honk at girls just for the sake of it, anyway?

Dudes honking during the day while driving by is one thing.. probably just annoying to girls. Horny drunk atlanta trash in the middle of the night is a different story.
AngraRULES said:
How can you know that was the case?

I mean, how can they tell if he only honked anyway?

Hey. Look, being female and out at night in some areas is a slightly more dangerous place to be. It's a pretty wise idea to not walk alone through Midtown, especially as a female.

If she says she's uncomfortable with it, then she is. You shouldn't say she isn't! And she did say 2am, which is different than 2pm. :) However, groups of guys don't get a lot of drunk Atlantians honking at them at 2am, on the street. ;)
Hey, you look... First of all, I never said she was NOT uncomfortable, did I?

If I did, please quote me. I will appreciate it.

Now second, I agree that is a pretty wise idea not to be hanging out at night if you're a lady. However, you can't just say "The place isnt a good area to be walking around at night" just because of that. Come on, is EVERYONE gonna be uncomfortable for having a bunch of assholes honking? It doesn't justify the statement.

In any case, if you really think that area is indeed dangerous, especially for ladies, it is still MUCH cheaper to still stay at Super 8 and try to get a ride or even a cab. Hell, why not spend 10 bucks the most on the cab instead of paying extra $50 dollars a night just to be "closer" to the venue? I mean, how can you say nobody will honk at you on the way from the venue to the other hotel?

It's all a matter of logic, really.
AngraRULES said:
Hey, you look... First of all, I never said she was NOT uncomfortable, did I?

If I did, please quote me. I will appreciate it.

Now second, I agree that is a pretty wise idea not to be hanging out at night if you're a lady. However, you can't just say "The place isnt a good area to be walking around at night" just because of that. Come on, is EVERYONE gonna be uncomfortable for having a bunch of assholes honking? It doesn't justify the statement.

In any case, if you really think that area is indeed dangerous, especially for ladies, it is still MUCH cheaper to still stay at Super 8 and try to get a ride or even a cab. Hell, why not spend 10 bucks the most on the cab instead of paying extra $50 dollars a night just to be "closer" to the venue? I mean, how can you say nobody will honk at you on the way from the venue to the other hotel?

It's all a matter of logic, really.

My apologies. I misunderstood your tone and believed that you implied that getting honked at was no big deal.

And I agree, really, if it's down to money then catching a cab to the Super 8if you're concerned about your safety is probably cheaper than what I'm paying at the Residence Inn! And, no, I wouldn't walk alone from the venue to RI alone at night, so for me, the Super 8 wouldn't be a big change.
Hey, it's okay, don't worry. It is really... REALLY... easy to misunderstand people's tones behind a monitor, it's all cool, I mean it. =)

How is the Residence Inn by the way, I would consider an "upgrade" to that one... Can you give me some info on it?
Residence Inn rocks man. Its nice, well kept. All the rooms I've seen have full kitchens. And the venue is pretty much across the street =D

OH, best of all... the free breakfast ROCKS. I'm talking pancakes, biscuits, scambled eggs, bacon.. all kinds of bagels/rolls, and all kinds of drinks.
Super 8 - you get what you pay for. Its no extra frills, a bed, a tv, a toilet and a sink. Is there really much more luxuries you need? its cheaper, its a bit further of a walk, but for those on a budget, I found it just fiiine.

Watch out for the second stair tho, its a doozy. Anyone who's stayed there will know what I mean.
AngraRULES said:
How is the Residence Inn by the way, I would consider an "upgrade" to that one... Can you give me some info on it?

I like the Residence Inn quite a bit. I like having a fridge to store food. I like having the dishes and a dishwasher. I like the indoor entrance to the hotel, which is safer than an outdoor entrance. They do have a very nice breakfast - hot - served (I got up for it every day because I'm cheap and it was filling!) daily. The room where breakfast is has a pool table, couches, chairs and tables, so it's a nice place to hang out.

And the rooms are in good shape with good quality bedding.

Hehe. Whew. YAY for Residence Inn love ;)