Super amazing guitar video (lol!)



we have an off topic, and im pretty sure every guitar player with an internet connection has already seen these.
Okey, sorry for taking your presious time (if it's spelled that way). Well, I'm a guitarplayer, and I have an Internett connection, but I've had not seen them.
War_Blade said:


we have an off topic, and im pretty sure every guitar player with an internet connection has already seen these.

Chill dude, I for one had not seen 'em.

Funny stuff! :lol:
I didnt see the Malmsteen ones.

He looks exactly like Michael Romeo in the second one.
War_Blade said:


we have an off topic, and im pretty sure every guitar player with an internet connection has already seen these.
...Calm down, man. They're not that old, and not everyone constantly checks forums.
you know what, they were funny the first couple of times but now its getting kinda old and sounding rehashed, I didn't even laugh at the new one, well, eccept for a slight smerk about Yngwie and Cheesecakes..