Super heavy Mix test. Critique please.


Jul 21, 2012
Im trying to get more metal bands to come record with me, but I just can't make it all sound glued together. Any critique would be nice. thank you

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For starters: are you using your Soundcloud as your portfolio? If so, it seems really unprofessional, and kind of unorganized, laid out, etc. Also, you've got a track named "BEEF ASS DRUMS N****" (obviously uncensored on your page) FFS.

As for this mix, it's pumping like mad at a lot of parts and as a whole sounds like you over compressed on the master bus. Did you use a multi-band comp too? Certain frequencies seem more compressed than others at times. The whole mix sounds like it's being sucked into a vacuum (that's the best way I can think to describe it).
Did you humanize the drums at all? The blasts are really over the top as far as velocities and overall level are concerned.