Super Mario Galaxy

I hate that level where you get to the boss and there's no boss but then the bird face exit door COMES ALIVE AND FLIES AROUND AND ATTACKS AHHHHHHH

thank goodness it was all a dream.
Resident Evil 4, Zelda: Twilight Princess and this... damn I love Nintendo.

Also, I can't stop saying "Wii" for some reason.

Anyone play the new Metroid?
Resident Evil 4, Zelda: Twilight Princess and this... damn I love Nintendo.

Also, I can't stop saying "Wii" for some reason.

Anyone play the new Metroid?

I have it, and while I haven't even beaten it yet because of Galaxy, its a sick fucking game. I'd say I like it more than galaxy, but thats just because I'm a huge Metroid nerd. The first Prime is my favorite game of all time, and while 2 was a worthy successor, the Prime series was MADE to be played with the wiimote.