SuperGroup Episode 4


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
Thanks to Direct Tv i can Tivo it at 9 am PST.... I just watched and its getting better with each episode. Even Seabass's wife who is smokin hot gives him the WTF .......... While he watching himself on TV and yet the Gilmore Girls.... he insane...

But watching Tera Patrick and Marina( i think thats her name) doing a photo shoot with all the onlookers.... well you tell me what you think....

I swear i was Paul Crook sitting on a couch behind Scott..... Anyone else see this???

It was Paul. He was over hanging with us quite a bit.
I think Tera will be good for ratings. Maybe we'll beat Hogan and go #1 this week.
LouieFatterson said:
I want a "Savage Animal" shirt with a picture of Sebastian's excited, optimistic face.

Savage Animal :OMG: :OMG:

Scott is right. It sounds like a band name from 1983. Perhaps the first album be the called The Metal Pack......
Wasn't that a Raven album?
Yeah it was a good episode although it went by quick and didn't feel like an hour. Bach is retarded, but he makes me laugh.
Savage animal, rock and roll is a savage animal, you're a savage aninmal, it rolls of my tounge savage animal. Come on it's the name of the band.

The drunk baz hitting on scott scene was pretty funny.
So far its kept my interest. Now, Scott we know you can't give anything away but once the episode aires just how hard did Evin hit Bach? That is if the footage we've seen is not something thrown together by the editor to entice the whole"fisticuffs" media coverage.
ghost_of_war said:
we don't get this in the u.k but i heard it was really really gay! any opinions?

They don't make ou or anything. It's funny becuase Ted and Baz are idiots.

Band names like skid row don' come around that often you know.
They've been teasing the "fight" for weeks. I don't know how it's cut but it's real. I will tell the whole story after it airs. I've been blogging on the Damnocracy MySpace page.
I wish there was more music as well. It's crazy that with such a huge production when you hear us playing it's just from the boom and camera mics. They had a huge mixing desk and Pro Tools but were not set up to properly record. That's why we brought our own guy in, Capt Kirk. I would like to finish at least 2 of the songs. Take It Back and Edge Of The World are both cool. And yes, Take It Back sounds like an 80's song and I'm proud of that. Should we sound like The Killers? Nuge said it best; "There is no higher authority over my music than me."
What was great as he kept saying savage animal over and over agian, and every time he said it you could tell he just couldn't believe the rest of them weren't into it.
I'm loving the show more and more every time I see it. Bas may be obnoxious but the man can sing. It made me break out my Slave to the Grind CD which I haven't heard in years. It's still great to me, I like all Skid Row's stuff.
I am really enjoying this more than I thought I would.
Its funny Scott is the normal one.
I also can't believe how hot Bach's wife is.