My Big 4 movie review belated


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
Sorry been so busy saw it and very much enjoyed it, definitely worth the money. Most of my observations someone here has already posted so obviously great minds think alike lol! Here we go...just opinions people damn you people fight too much...

1. ANTHRAX--Better than I expected, was afraid Joey would seem dated but not at all, he nailed Madhouse and I even got goose bumps when he sang it. My theater was packed so I was definitely watching their reactions, so many metal shirts but I never saw an Anthrax one. After every song the whole theater erupted in applause, and when they finished the crowd BLEW UP. I was relieved for my boys. No Only though, that pissed me off.

2. MEGADETH--Great drumming and sick guitar playing, Dave's voice was the worst I've ever heard. When they were zooming in on his face while singing the laughter in the theater was so loud. Also right before Metallica played when the interviews about Dio were happening, Scott mentioned how Dio's voice never faltered as he got older like some singers, EVERYONE in the theater was laughing and pointing at Dave, as if he was the perfect example. Never liked his voice anyway, but that was bad. Also he never talked to the crowd during the set until the end. Joey did.

3. SLAYER--Phenomenal. I thought Tom's voice was intense, the whole band seemed on top of their game. LOVED Dave's drumming, someone posted here before that he couldn't be heard but I didn't notice it, maybe I just never watched him that close before but man he is a SICK SICK drummer, loved it. Two things...Jeff was fat, barely recognized him. Whatever, I'm 34 and ain't what I was in high school so I understand, so what. He played great that's all that matters. The big thing for me though...Tom never banged his head ONCE. Watching Slayer tear it up without Tom violently banging his head?! Did he hurt his neck or something? Anyone know? Blew my mind, I hope it's a temporary thing.

4. METALLICA--Left after 3 songs, thought they were great though just left cause my eyes were closing, not because they were boring. Metallica is Metallica, I'm sure their whole set ruled. I saw what I missed here, thanks for posting guys. Anyway that's my review, I had a good time. Resume the fighting.
Cool review mate, cheers! Seeing this myself in a week or 2. Can't wait.
Tom Araya just had major back surgery, which is why Slayer haven't toured to promote their new album yet. He had a few of the discs in his neck fused together and he'll actually never be able to headbang again. Sad but true.

You left before the end of Metallica's set so you missed Dave Mustaine jamming with them (along with every member of Megadeth and Anthrax, plus Dave Lombardo from Slayer) on Am I Evil.
Tom Araya just had major back surgery, which is why Slayer haven't toured to promote their new album yet. He had a few of the discs in his neck fused together and he'll actually never be able to headbang again. Sad but true.

You left before the end of Metallica's set so you missed Dave Mustaine jamming with them (along with every member of Megadeth and Anthrax, plus Dave Lombardo from Slayer) on Am I Evil.
WOW I had no idea about Tom, what a bummer but at least he's OK, he showed that he still kicks ass even without headbanging. Yeah I heard that about the big jam, I missed it but someone posted a clip here and it seemed cool. I started on the beer a little early that day so was exhausted lol! Anyone who hasn't seen this movie yet it's definitely worth it. I'm breaking out all of these bands' old albums again!
Yeah, this concert was well worth the dough. Do want the DVD/BR also. The quibbles about Mustaine's voice are unfounded, as he sounds that way 90% of the time. Araya's lack of headbanging took second fiddle to Hannaman's weight gain. And most importantly, Anthrax tore the doubters some new holes, and Joey was fucking great in both his singing and stage presence.
Second fiddle? No. Jeff's weight gain doesn't bother me, especially since he is a sick musician and songwriter that is all that matters. Tom's lack of headbanging bothered me but now that I hear what happened I understand and am just glad he's well. Joey did good, OK. Geez dude relax.
Yeah, this concert was well worth the dough. Do want the DVD/BR also. The quibbles about Mustaine's voice are unfounded, as he sounds that way 90% of the time. Araya's lack of headbanging took second fiddle to Hannaman's weight gain. And most importantly, Anthrax tore the doubters some new holes, and Joey was fucking great in both his singing and stage presence.

Seen this yesterday and its well worth the money, or download if you are so inclined. And No mustaine doesn't sound like that 90% of the time, he was horrid
I was just listening to a boot of Deth live from '92, and Mustaine sounds nearly the same, slightly more squeal, as he did in Bulgaria. Of the nine times I've seen them live, he sounded like that. On most of my downloaded vids, he sounds like that. I'm guessing people have heard a "cleaned-up" live recording of Deth and think Dave can actually sing. Fact: He can't, but he has a very recognizable voice that's hard to copy. Poor Dave never gets respect.

So your telling everyone we shouldn't judge Joey by poor handy-bootleg quality videos, but you judge Dave by a bootleg from a time when people where impressed by mobile cassette recorders?

Everytime i've seen them live he sounded fine. On almost every live recording i've hear he sounded fine. Fine for Dave-measurements. He is not a great singer, but i've never heard him sounding anywhere near as bad as at this years Sonisphere.
I was just listening to a boot of Deth live from '92, and Mustaine sounds nearly the same, slightly more squeal, as he did in Bulgaria. Of the nine times I've seen them live, he sounded like that. On most of my downloaded vids, he sounds like that. I'm guessing people have heard a "cleaned-up" live recording of Deth and think Dave can actually sing. Fact: He can't, but he has a very recognizable voice that's hard to copy. Poor Dave never gets respect.

I also have seen Dave numerous times including Clash of the titans, Countdown, and Risk tours and he never sounded as bad as Bulgaria--and the version I seen of Bulgaria is the one that will be released on DVD so the sound levels are all good. Now granted Dave has never been a real "singer' but he just sounded shitty this show--music was excellent but vocals were bad
Finally saw it at the cinema last night. True to form I had some big fat tall bastard sit in front of me (just like a real concert). Hahaha. Also true to form the mix from band to band varied (Megadeth easily having the worst on the night).

Anthrax - MY GOD! How utterly brilliant they were. I'm a huge Bush fan too but I will say this (as no disrespect to the band or John but) if I was to compare what I saw on Screen last night to what I saw live earlier this year at Soundwave, it was like seeing two very different bands. I will state this simply - Anthrax had this energy about them at Sonisphere that made them look like an arena band again. As I said no disrespect or pinning this on John but at Soundwave the whole band seemed just like a band stuck in status quo (even as great as they were on that day). I saw a very revitalised Anthrax last night on the big screen and it got me extremely excited about the future. Once again that isn't pro John or Joey. I am just stating what I honestly saw in the space of less than 6 months with the two different lineups.

Joey was fucking awesome - Nailed all those songs and didn't skip a beat as far as I am concerned. I just don't get where anyone on here is slagging off his vocals? He was immense live. Yes I miss John Bush & I will always love that guy to pieces and all the albums he utterly destroyed on, but seeing Joey on stage with the boys reminded me of them in their prime - NFV days (when they were at their very best). Scott stomping. Frankie bouncing. Charlie storming on the drums. Man even Mr Muted, Rob was going for it (what's with the beanie though?). Joey stole the show for me though. The whole sold out audience was screaming and cheering on the Dio tribute part too.

Immense. Fucking Immense. So pumped at the idea of them producing a new album with Joey on board. Call me old school and living in the past but the Indians headdress made me feel like I was 18 again! Relieved, overjoyed and excited about the future for this band now.

Megadeth - Ah man. What the hell happened with the mix in this one? Mustaine's never had the best voice (understatement) but I have seen them live 5 times and I can vouch by saying he never sounded that bad. I strongly suspect the mix was horrid too. Still I thoroughly enjoyed the set. Seeing Dave Jnr on stage was great. So good to have him back where he belongs. They went through all their classic hits and despite Dave's voice it was still a fantastic set.

Slayer - Araya owned! Love that man. I sincerely hope his health issues don't put an end to this band. Slayer were brutal and tight as ever. Kerry & Jeff need to stay off the burgers though ;-) Lombardo was nuts as usual!

Metallica - best mix of the night. They sounded immaculate and delivered a damn fine set. Lots of energy and the crowd was right behind them. Say what you want about these guys and their mixed album history but the one thing they always do right is deliver a stunning live show.

The Am I Evil song with everyone on stage was really an emotional joy to see for everyone in the cinema. I love how in a genre so hard and aggressive that the incredible camaraderie and warmth from that segment felt by the band members, the crowd and even the audience in my cinema is really what is best about the Metal community - Unity.

I defy anyone to not feel warm and fuzzy seeing Mustaine and Metallica all exchange sincere hugs on stage.

Beautiful - loved every second of this. Such a unique experience. Hopefully the DVD will have a better mix than this one though.
Finally saw it at the cinema last night. True to form I had some big fat tall bastard sit in front of me (just like a real concert). Hahaha. Also true to form the mix from band to band varied (Megadeth easily having the worst on the night).

Anthrax - MY GOD! How utterly brilliant they were. I'm a huge Bush fan too but I will say this (as no disrespect to the band or John but) if I was to compare what I saw on Screen last night to what I saw live earlier this year at Soundwave, it was like seeing two very different bands. I will state this simply - Anthrax had this energy about them at Sonisphere that made them look like an arena band again. As I said no disrespect or pinning this on John but at Soundwave the <u>whole</u> band seemed just like a band stuck in status quo (even as great as they were on that day). I saw a very revitalised Anthrax last night on the big screen and it got me extremely excited about the future. Once again that isn't pro John or Joey. I am just stating what I honestly saw in the space of less than 6 months with the two different lineups.

Joey was fucking awesome - Nailed all those songs and didn't skip a beat as far as I am concerned. I just don't get where anyone on here is slagging off his vocals? He was immense live. Yes I miss John Bush & I will always love that guy to pieces and all the albums he utterly destroyed on, but seeing Joey on stage with the boys reminded me of them in their prime - NFV days (when they were at their very best). Scott stomping. Frankie bouncing. Charlie storming on the drums. Man even Mr Muted, Rob was going for it (what's with the beanie though?). Joey stole the show for me though. The whole sold out audience was screaming and cheering on the Dio tribute part too.

Immense. Fucking Immense. So pumped at the idea of them producing a new album with Joey on board. Call me old school and living in the past but the Indians headdress made me feel like I was 18 again! Relieved, overjoyed and excited about the future for this band now.

Megadeth - Ah man. What the hell happened with the mix in this one? Mustaine's never had the best voice (understatement) but I have seen them live 5 times and I can vouch by saying he never sounded that bad. I strongly suspect the mix was horrid too. Still I thoroughly enjoyed the set. Seeing Dave Jnr on stage was great. So good to have him back where he belongs. They went through all their classic hits and despite Dave's voice it was still a fantastic set.

Slayer - Araya owned! Love that man. I sincerely hope his health issues don't put an end to this band. Slayer were brutal and tight as ever. Kerry & Jeff need to stay off the burgers though ;-) Lombardo was nuts as usual!

Metallica - best mix of the night. They sounded immaculate and delivered a damn fine set. Lots of energy and the crowd was right behind them. Say what you want about these guys and their mixed album history but the one thing they always do right is deliver a stunning live show.

The Am I Evil song with everyone on stage was really an emotional joy to see for everyone in the cinema. I love how in a genre so hard and aggressive that the incredible camaraderie and warmth from that segment felt by the band members, the crowd and even the audience in my cinema is really what is best about the Metal community - Unity.

I defy anyone to not feel warm and fuzzy seeing Mustaine and Metallica all exchange sincere hugs on stage.

Beautiful - loved every second of this. Such a unique experience. Hopefully the DVD will have a better mix than this one though.
Great review, says it all!
Saw it last night in the theatre. Gold. A friend has hooked me up with a burn of the full proper movie. Amazing quality. Loving this.