My Anthrax and Big Four review

It doesn't take a sound tech to distinguish between the Metallica live sound of old and their new scratchy, mid-heavy tone. They are a great live band, so it's very disappointing to hear that tone. Honestly, it hasn't been this bad since the LOAD era.

lol, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You seem to be one of those guys that raise highs and lows as much as possible and cut of the mids completely. Well, here is news for you: It may sound evil in your bedroom, but on stage, no one will hear you, because you get overpowered by drums and bass. Two years ago i heard that In Flames guys try it, and you couldn't even say which song they where playing.

But i agree that Metallica don't sound very good these days, although it got better since Death Magnetic. They sound just... plastic. Especially the drums, it sounds like a kid hitting plastic cans with his parents cutlery.
Hahahaha Anyone who attended a Metallica concert before '96 can tell you that their bass and drum levels didn't overpower their scooped-mid guitar tone (well, mostly scooped). I'm guessing you're what, 15 years of age?

By then, Bob Rock already told them how to set up an amp correctly... ;) Before that, it also helped, that Cliffs bass sounded more like a guitar than a bass (and on ...AJFA Jason played 1:1 the guitar tracks instead of something creative).
I hate this gay ass shit where everyone thinks they're a sound tech. Half these people couldn't figure out their cassette players if the geek squad didn't come over. I've seen Metallica 3 times. Call me what you will, but I've never felt let down by sound or performance. In fact one of those shows was outdoors, in a parking lot. Try and get good sound there, they did.

One doesnt have to be able to produce good sound to hear that a band lacks something.

In the same way you dont have to be a musician to hear that a band plays sloppy.

Lars has never ever been a good drummer. He used to be acceptable though but the last 15 years or so he's become gradually worse. If you can't hear that I dont know what to say to convince you. He cant freaking do double bass anymore and he's so untight its no even funny as soon as they try one of their faster songs.

Kirk is sloppy but can have good performances now and then. James voice is obviously shot and it cracks quite often.

Go listen to some bootlegs. I have to give it to them that they create some kind of energy though so most fans still go home satisfied. Had Megadeth given the same technical performance Metallica does nowadays they would suffer more since their live shows are more about tight playing than it is about show, pyros etc.
here's current version of Blackened...

...everyone can think whether it is good or bad...:)

Here's the same song from 1989...

...I dig this one...:)

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