Big 4 DVD....

Metallica owned?!?! Really? I saw the Big 4 show in Prague and the only real dissapointment of the night was Metallica, much due to the ever declining skills of Lars Ulrich. Being famous must have gotten to his head; he's clearly not spending any time practising and keeping up his skills. Unfortunately for him, the bass drums were mixed quite a bit louder than they are on the dvd live, and that really revealed that his bass drumming skills are utterly gone. When he wasn't throwing in random single shots on the bass drum, he tried unsuccessfully to do some double bass drumming, which was just embarrassing. Most of the time the songs were just too fast for him and at other times he was just plain inaccurate and sloppy. When they played "One", for instance, he at first tried to follow the 16th notes, but it was just a mess and he reverted to hitting the bass drum twice instead of five times. It's sad; they've got so many great songs, but they're unable to do them justice live. Speaking of sloppy; Hammet wasn't all that accurate always either.

When it comes to Megadeth, they were clearly the best musicians of the four bands. And Dave was, of course, the weakest vocalist. But they are really tight and really good live! I think I've seen them four or five times, and they always seem to deliver.

Slayer was brutal, as always. They're music is of course the "simplest", but they're just so uncompromising and relentless; you just gotta love it!

Anthrax were great; although Joey can be a bit too goofy and awkward at times.

All in all; a great night, but Metallica didn't "own" anything in Prague (apart from the "best posers"-award, of course! ;-) )

BTW; I was in the theater and saw the Sofia show and I own the BluRay and my impression of that is pretty much the same as the one I got from the live show. Apart from one thing: Lars Ulrich should be happy that his bass drums are turned down.

Technically it wasn't Prague, it was Milovice, a town 60 km away from Prague.
I enjoyed Metallica's performance but you're right about Lars.
If you download the bootleg that's out there, and compare it with the DVD, you can tell Mustaine's vocals are improved a bit.

But to be fair, EVERYONE on the DVD has a studio credit at the end, where they "polished" their sound up. Anthrax's was some studio in LA I think, I can't remember right now, and I think Megadeth used a studio in England, probably where Andy Sneap works out of.