My Anthrax and Big Four review


Aug 23, 2003
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I don't know what happened, I guess with the server being fucked up it posted the title but no message, oh well.

Anthrax - Worse band of the night. I give them a 2 out of 10. I said I'd give it a chance with Belladonna, I did, it sucked, period. The power these songs had, even with him originally singing them back in the day, is gone. His stage antics are fucking ass goofy and he just doesn't have the chops to do this well anymore. Madhouse sounded decent as did Metal Thrashing Mad, those out of the whole set were the only 2 exceptions to me. The band should've let John finish out the summer doing the shows and taken their time finding a good replacement, like Dan was, who can sing the old shit but still keep Anthrax sounding modern. I was really disappointed that they didn't come out and show everyone that they ARE back and they ARE stronger than ever. Sorry, they may be back, but 100X weaker instead of stronger. This band made a big mistake in getting him back, again. Maybe he'll sound decent on a studio album where they can mess with his vocals, but live, no fucking way. This band has grown so much as musicians and songwriters that in my opinion it seems like they're gonna have to dummy down to make songs that fit his voice. The power is gone. Make up with Dan, release Worship Music and continue to crush. If they can work things out with Joey twice and John, anythings possible.

Megadeth - I give them a 6 out of 10. Great song selection, great musicianship, but what the fuck happened to Mustaine's vocals??? We were laughing our asses off during Holy Wars and Hangar 18. Sounded like a fuckin cat in heat, maybe he was sick or some shit. I know he isn't the best singer, but all the times I've seen them live I don't ever remember him sounding that bad.

Slayer - 10 out of 10. Best fucking band of the night. Great set and they all sounded fantastic!!!

Metallica - 8 out of 10. Say what you will, but this band brings it every time they take the stage. Would've liked to hear more off Puppets, but still fucking good. I really dug James using the acoustic at the beginning of Fade To Black. The Am I Evil encore was cool except for Joey trying to sing it.
I don't know what the rest of you who saw it in the theaters had, but counting my brother and I there were only 12 people in the place. For $20 I expected quite a few more.
Not trying to bum anyone out or piss them off, but I agree with this post...

I am a huge fan of Belladonna Anthrax and they were horrible, I may have even gone 1 out of 10

Megadeth were awesome!! His voice was straight up terrible and you could see that the rain was bumming Dave out but musically they sounded great!

I hate new Metallica and that being said thought they were the best band of the night... A little goofy in spots, but that's Metallica as of late.

Slayer were just flat out awesome!!! Nothing more to really say...I give them an 11 (Yes, it goes to 11;))

I am very glad to have seen it and should they hit the states I'll be there.

Anthrax - Worse band of the night. I give them a 2 out of 10.

Megadeth - I give them a 6 out of 10. Great song selection, great musicianship, but what the fuck happened to Mustaine's vocals??? We were laughing our asses off during Holy Wars and Hangar 18. Sounded like a fuckin cat in heat, maybe he was sick or some shit. I know he isn't the best singer, but all the times I've seen them live I don't ever remember him sounding that bad.

Slayer - 10 out of 10. Best fucking band of the night. Great set and they all sounded fantastic!!!

Metallica - 8 out of 10. Say what you will, but this band brings it every time they take the stage. Would've liked to hear more off Puppets, but still fucking good. I really dug James using the acoustic at the beginning of Fade To Black. The Am I Evil encore was cool except for Joey trying to sing it.
Yeah, joey...
My guess is he's trying to sound "heavier" than he was on the reunion tour. Fan or not, he sounded great on the reunion tour. Very full and mature vocals. Now he sounds strained and the full on party vibe he had on the renion tour as a freont man has been replaced with this new set of antics that doesn't really work for him.

Kind of a shame. It's like they or he have tried to beef him up and it's kind of a shit move.
don't know what some of you guys were looking at but Anthrax was great during their Big 4 performance. i thought they had a lot of energy and were a lot of fun, and it's even renewed my interest in them again.
Yeah, joey...
My guess is he's trying to sound "heavier" than he was on the reunion tour. .

Yeah - problem is that in a youtube world now when you try something new it is dissected incessantly. I for one am stoked to see the guy keep pushing the limits of his range and see what works... remember theres an album coming up.
Thanks for the reviews everyone. Great stuff. Really pumped to see this in a week or two.
Yeah - problem is that in a youtube world now when you try something new it is dissected incessantly. I for one am stoked to see the guy keep pushing the limits of his range and see what works... remember theres an album coming up.

Perhaps he should rehearse at home, not at a live show were people have to listen to it and might be disappointed ;)
Perhaps he should rehearse at home, not at a live show were people have to listen to it and might be disappointed ;)

Given where they all live - not practical. Studio rehearsing, sure but things are completely different live. Not to mention, with what 3 weeks notice The Band went from thinking they had Bush to adding Joey and needing him to sing bush tunes". It's not like you can just drop tune your vocal chords. Oh... and Scott was on tour with Damned Things.

All that said, I haven't been disappointed. Kinda cool to watch things with them progress from show to show; change, improve, omit, tweak. Makes me excited to see what they are going to do studio wise.

Then again....... The boys kick ass either way. :devil:

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Given where they all live - not practical. Studio rehearsing, sure but things are completely different live. Not to mention, with what 3 weeks notice The Band went from thinking they had Bush to adding Joey and needing him to sing bush tunes". It's not like you can just drop tune your vocal chords. Oh... and Scott was on tour with Damned Things.

I don't see how any of that matters. Joey has been touring solo playing Anthrax songs, he shouldn't miss a fucking beat. And the tunes that are getting criticized are pre-Bush era songs from the Sonisphere screening. Him sounding like shit on Bush-era tunes, I get, shouldn't be that way with the other stuff though.
I only saw the show from the HD feed they aired at the theatre. I thought Joey performed well on all of the songs, but I can't help but yawn over Anthrax's setlist. why not Skeletons in the Closet, Aftershock, or Time?? Mix it up a little would ya?! Joey did the best he could trying to entertain a huge stadium of people like that.

Megadeth was awesome, but yeah.... Dave sounded weird man, what was up with his voice? it was even comical at times.

Metallica had a great set, but they seems too polished & too much of an act up on stage.

Slayer: stripped down, straight-forward THRASH!! no bells & whistles, just gettin' er done and giving metal fans what they want.
Dunno man... Live settings are always iffy. I noticed Joey had to keep pulling out his ear buds for that broadcast show. Personally, I think they have sounded just fine from day one and see a direction that they are heading. Sounds like they are trying to get a little more GRRRR out of Joey's voice... A tad forced at first, but much more fluid later. Does Joe sound like 1986, - Nope. But he sounds damn good from the non-hobbyist youtube footage I have heard and the band energy is great. All-in-all I'd pony up for a ticket and it makes me very excited to hear the album.
It's strange to see this post because I was just watching a few videos from all the bands and Anthrax were terrible, there is just no punch anymore. I saw them perform in 2005 with Joey and they were great, this time around not so good.

Metallica is the only band that can bring it every night.

Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth just go through the motions. Dave's vocals sounded weak, for some reason he was not even looking up most of the time.

Slayer and Anthrax - boring. I think Testament and Exodus would have been better choices.
Metallica is the only band that can bring it every night.

I dont know what you base this on but as a live band they are actually pretty bad if you actually listen to the music. Good energy perhaps but Lars is about the worst drummer in an established metal band ever, Kirk is pretty sloppy and James voice doesnt hold up anymore.

I saw them live a couple of years ago and it was pretty bad musically. Showwise it was pretty cool but musically it left alot to be desired. A far cry from when I saw them live the first time (and that was as late as 1998/99).
HOLY SHIT!!!! I agree with 6er on something!!! Metallica's live sound has gone to shit. The sound they had touring back in 91 was killer, but to me, especially Lars' drums, their live sound has become worse with every passing year. I did speak to a guy who said that the new dvd's from France sound killer though. Guess I'll have to check it out and see.
I hate this gay ass shit where everyone thinks they're a sound tech. Half these people couldn't figure out their cassette players if the geek squad didn't come over. I've seen Metallica 3 times. Call me what you will, but I've never felt let down by sound or performance. In fact one of those shows was outdoors, in a parking lot. Try and get good sound there, they did.