Superior 2.0, amplitube quick mix (no bass :( )


Jul 10, 2008
This is my first attempt at superior 2.0.
I dont have much to work with recording wise, so the guitars are directly into my laptop through a 1/4 inch to 1/8th inch piece. Then run through amplitube.
I dont have my bass here with me so theres no bass in this one either.
Sorry about how short it is, just a test :)
I think the overheads are pretty loud in this one as well, I lost the logic file for this one so I could turn them down :(
Wow heavy guitars,and i like the basedrum in superior 2.0.
How did you get that basedrum sound?
For the kick I eq'd and compressed the three kick imputs, and sent them to a bus in superior, and compressed that.
and then i fooled around with some parallel compression through logic.
I was really surprised at how the guitars came out. Gotta love impulses:)
Thanks for the kind words, Im gonna pick up a bass tomorrow and throw it in there.
Yea the OH's do sound pretty squashed, I used a compresser on the master channel, ill have to experiment a bit more with the settings:)