Superior 2.0 questions


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
I'm thinking about buying the Superior 2.0 (well, now is 2.1). Didn't found a demo or answer to my questions on their site, so perhaps people can enlighten me.

Is it better than AD?
How many different kits are included and how many available?
Can you change for example a kick for any other wav kick that you like (not from S2.0)?
Is there any specific drumkit for metal?
The samples on the website are good but not excelent. Are these samples already mixed or is the dry and raw sounding?
Does it eat too much cpu/ram?
Is it better than AD?
It depends, its a matter of taste. They both sound good

How many different kits are included and how many available?
this in SD 2.0 and this in the expansion

Can you change for example a kick for any other wav kick that you like (not from S2.0)?
Not in the software itself, but you can mute that kick and use drumagog instead.

Is there any specific drumkit for metal?
No like DFHS had, but you can get good metal sounds, there are a lot of examples here on this forum

The samples on the website are good but not excelent. Are these samples already mixed or is the dry and raw sounding?
Some of them are mixed and some are raw, the mixed ones usually use the presets that come with SD 2.0

Does it eat too much cpu/ram?
Not at all, it is very flexible and you can load an entire kit in less that 800 MB of RAM