Superior 2.0 + Logic Pro + Superior plugins = CPU hog problem

Charlie E.

Jan 2, 2002
Miami, FL
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I guess this could simply be a case of not having enough RAM or whatnot... but I'm still a little puzzled because ordinarily when I use Logic plugins my cpu is still in pretty good shape, even if I have a lot of them in use and several audio tracks and software instruments.
However when I use the plugins that come with Superior they seem to hog down my cpu like crazy.
Even when I have the project paused the cpu indicator is going haywire.
Any ideas what could be causing this problem? Could I have installed them badly somehow?
I realized it was Superior causing the cpu hog problems when I disabled it and the project ran smoothly. Then I tried simply clearing the plugins used inside Superior and keeping it running and again, it improved my performance.
Clearing the Superior plug ins or disabling Superior makes my cpu indicator go from 90-100% with all kinds of jitters and distortions to a smooth 2-5%
I'm currently using Superior 2.0 on a Macbook Pro.
2.2GHz Inter Core 2 Duo, 2 GF 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
Any pointers would be greatly appreceated.
i can load up s2.0 with tons of plugins on my 2.16ghz single core 2gb 533mhz ram and it runs fine in cubase sx3. multiband comps and sir kill my cpu usage though.