Superior drummer


Jan 3, 2012
I've had superior drummer for a while now and it's been running fine on my windows laptop.

Then yesturday I went out and bought a new iMac. I put in disc 1 of the installation and superior installed fine. Then the sound bank installation starts and it won't find one of the sounds and I have to cancel the installation.
I looked through the files on the disc and the sound file it can't install is in the folder.

Any advice?
installing from the DVD's is slow as hell and real PITA
as there are always reading errors even if the fucking DVD's are brand new.

have you tried to COPY the sound lib manually to your HDD!?
Would I copy the whole sl_avatar folder?
Where would I copy it to so superior will find them?
Installing Superior is problematic on Lion. Manually setting the install location did the trick for me.
Alright thanks. Do you just create a new folder to install it in on the macs hard drive?
thanks everyone for the replies.
changing the directory of the install fixed it!
Now the countless hours of installing to go..