Weapon X
Raised to be Lowered
Pantera was a huge influence on me during High School\College days so I always have a place for them.
Down is a great band. Saw them live the first and last time they came thro my town. We knocked Down's socks off them. They were as impressed as we were.
SJR are ok, got their first album but rarely listen to it, it bores me. If they come to town I'd consider going to see em
I wonder how New Found Power will sound like? Have anyone heard any newz on this band?
Down is a great band. Saw them live the first and last time they came thro my town. We knocked Down's socks off them. They were as impressed as we were.
SJR are ok, got their first album but rarely listen to it, it bores me. If they come to town I'd consider going to see em
I wonder how New Found Power will sound like? Have anyone heard any newz on this band?