Supreme fakeness, non-real drums laptop metal


Apr 19, 2009
Took a few weeks off of mixing anything, well more fake stuff in the RMM forum yay. Lecto double tracked with the ASEM impulse for rhythms, LE456 with s-preshigh for the lead work, programmed bass and Addictive drums with a sampled kick (children of bodom from the Sneap Folder O' Kicks) and a few different vsti's for effect. If I could find guys in this town to play music like this, it would have happened already lol. Anyway, anybody feels like replying with pointers or point out what I continue to do wrong, thanks you're a trooper!

Right on broseph you are indeed a trooper, yeah the snare is a constant source of frustration. I'll try one of the snare multisamples around the forums and see if I can't get it to rock more. Thanks again man! :worship: