Surviving ProgPower


Red, Hot, and Heavy
Jul 6, 2002
San Antonio, TX
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I just have a simple question. How is everyone gonna survive the weekend? I mean look man on day one we got Zero Hour, Silent Force, Edguy, Blind Guardian and Pain of Salvation in a row. I love all those bands and I plan on being up front singing and headbanging the entire time. I mean hell when I saw Priest that way in August I was exhausted. Id hate to pass out in the middle of Blind Guardians set so do any of you have any suggestions on how to get through this metal extravaganza?

Also how many of you are bringing cd sleeves for autographs? Im bringing all of the current lineups of the bands sleeves in one of those cd carriers but just gonna put booklets in em. Man Im so excited less than A MONTH AWAY!!!

Well I think the Booze will get us through and keep us limber (to those that don't drink, I am sure Pepsi will suffice)

I always bring my cd's sleeves to shows to be signed (call me a fanboy I no care):headbang: , I got quite the collection starting to add up!!!

Considering the high possibility of band-fan interaction, this would be your best opportunity to get any merch. signed. Don't pass this chance up, or you'll be kicking yourself later. :)

As for general survival, Bear gave some good advice. The booze will keep you limber through the show. To be extra sure that you can withstand two nights of great music and headbanging, I'd recommend the following... For the next four weeks, spend at least an hour or more each day headbanging to music of similar styles and tempos. This should help condition your neck and head for the stresses of the show. You might also want to gradually ramp up your alcohol tolerance between now and the event. Don't want any reason to pass out during the headliners. For these training exercises, just remember to slowly build yourself up towards the show. This will help increase your endurance.

And if you believe any of that crap will actually make a difference... Then you're just as excited as I am about the show. :D

Ah I think I have been subliminally ramping up my alcohol intake lately,maybe becuase my body just knows whats coming LOL

Now that is good advice!!!

On the topic of getting stuff signed... Do you think we should bring say just the current lineups cds? Like what I mean is for Angra, should I just bring Hunters and Prey and Rebirth or all of em. I sorta think since 3/5 of the band DIDNT play on Angels Cry or Holy Land they might consider that sorta assholish or do you think they wouldnt mind?

Originally posted by Daybreaker
On the topic of getting stuff signed... Do you think we should bring say just the current lineups cds? Like what I mean is for Angra, should I just bring Hunters and Prey and Rebirth or all of em. I sorta think since 3/5 of the band DIDNT play on Angels Cry or Holy Land they might consider that sorta assholish or do you think they wouldnt mind?

It's your call, really. Last year I had all of the Balance of Power albums to be signed. The guys were really cool, and just signed the albums that they had been involved with. I think you'll be fine bringing stuff that some members weren't around for. I'd be surprised if any band members got upset about it, unless, maybe, someone tries to get them to sign something they weren't on.

Hope that helps.

I was kinda miffed when Jon Bush signed my Anthrax Armed And Dangerous disc... after all I did bring some Armored Saint goodies for him to sign... why he penned my A&D cd I'll never know.. and I was too busy Bsing with Scott Ian to notice it until after he handed the sleeve to Charlie.

I'm still wondering why he didn't sign my SOD stuff.. I mean it was right in front of him too...

Originally posted by Creeps
I was kinda miffed when Jon Bush signed my Anthrax Armed And Dangerous disc... after all I did bring some Armored Saint goodies for him to sign... why he penned my A&D cd I'll never know.. and I was too busy Bsing with Scott Ian to notice it until after he handed the sleeve to Charlie.

I'm still wondering why he didn't sign my SOD stuff.. I mean it was right in front of him too...

Sometimes I see these guys at their signing sessions just scribbling autographs without paying much attention as they talk to fans. Makes me wonder what you might be able to get them to sign without knowing it. :devil:

Not that I'd ever complain about a band taking more time to talk to me, rather than just sign stuff. :)

As for building up alcohol tolerance, I'm doing exactly the opposite. Not that I drink much anyway anymore, but I'm trying to not drink much until PP. Since the beers are pretty expensive there, I am hoping to be a lightweight and get drunk off of less beer. Less money spent on beer means more money to spend on other stuff.

Originally posted by DigitalMan
As for building up alcohol tolerance, I'm doing exactly the opposite. Not that I drink much anyway anymore, but I'm trying to not drink much until PP. Since the beers are pretty expensive there, I am hoping to be a lightweight and get drunk off of less beer. Less money spent on beer means more money to spend on other stuff.


That makes too much sense. :)

Originally posted by Wishmaster
Sometimes I see these guys at their signing sessions just scribbling autographs without paying much attention as they talk to fans. Makes me wonder what you might be able to get them to sign without knowing it. :devil:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

well...some friends of mine had Slayer sign an ass gasket out of the mens room... it took them a minute to figure it out.... the reaction from them was totaly worth it!!!!

Originally posted by Creeps
I was kinda miffed when Jon Bush signed my Anthrax Armed And Dangerous disc... after all I did bring some Armored Saint goodies for him to sign... why he penned my A&D cd I'll never know.. and I was too busy Bsing with Scott Ian to notice it until after he handed the sleeve to Charlie.

I don't think they always look at what they're doing. i have a testament cd (forget which) that has chuck billy's and eric peterson's signatures right on top of each other ( i think it's souls of black)

and sometimes they just do it anyway, like when i saw kreator and destruction recently and i gave all my destruction stuff to Mike to sign, and then when he was done, he handed them all to their brand new drummer who proceeded to sign them all... *sigh* i didn't want to be rude, but i was less than pleased.

Whoa man! I can't even imagine how I'm gonna be after the first concert! I'll be all hyper and wild and wishining I could call mom in China (if she's in China at the time) and tell how it went. Oh god, but I hope she's not in China, because if she is then my rap-liking older sister is gonna drive us down there. She's a wanker. I'm usually a very shy and quiet girl, but boy I'm gonna be a completely different person on that weekend. And yes I'll be taking the booklet to one of my Blind Guardian albums and my Gamma ray one to the concert to have them sign. And I'll be taking lots of pens too. And I'll bring some permanent markers in case they'll be selling any white t-shirts that I can have someone sign.

I just want to remind everyone that since it's Blind Guardian's first American tour, be sure to welcome them to America.;)
Originally posted by LadyLovelyLocks

I just want to remind everyone that since it's Blind Guardian's first American tour, be sure to welcome them to America.;)

Should we say it in German? ;)

Sagst du 'Herzlich willkommen im Amerika,' oder 'auf Amerika'? Ich will morgen mein Deutsch Professorin fragen!

I have a feeling their English is 1,000 times better than my German ever will be, though! :)

This was a real issue for me last year, as I had a hard time staying awake for the headlining bands. Now mind you, I'm a bit older than most, but it is still tough on the body at any age, especially when you're up until 4 or 5 am for three night in a row.

I am looking forward to the challenge again this year!

Originally posted by Kez
This was a real issue for me last year, as I had a hard time staying awake for the headlining bands. Now mind you, I'm a bit older than most, but it is still tough on the body at any age, especially when you're up until 4 or 5 am for three night in a row.

I am looking forward to the challenge again this year!


Kez! We'll try our darnedest to help you meet the challenge.
