
I am embarassed to tell you but I haven't ever eaten sushi in my entire life! Always wanted but no one ever took me to any fancy restaurant where you can eat sushi...
hmmm, strange... u can find sushi-bars everywhere novadays. I hate this stupid fashion on eastern foodz, look at this korean guys and try to find something similiar with europeans (no xeno., Im talking only about phisical constitution). WE MUST EAT MEAT, DRINK BEER AND VODKA! (Anyway that china-girl in Transporter is pretty nice. Check her, Lasse!)
I do know that there are thousands of sushi bars in Helsinki nowadays but I'm too shy to go there...
Yes, I am a geek and stupid and... sniff.
Want to go home now.
i hate every kind of fish, be it cooked or raw :yuk:
give me a thick t-bone steak quite underdone with a drop of olive oil and i'll be the happiest golden sphere on planet earth :Spin:
Windom Pearl said:
I'm going to eat sushi soon, and am getting increasingly nervous.

What the fuck is it? Fish? Sea whatever? Gosh. I might get poisoned. A finn should just eat potato and meatballs.

It's no wonder Japanese are such small people. Although I've grown quite fancy with the Japanese culture, I really can't understand them food-wise. No man (at least an ignorant Finnish dumbass) can get his stomach full if clinging to Japanese cuisine.

That's also the reason for the seppuku-tradition. Had to survive with only that food, I'd too disembowel myself.

@Windom: Love your sig. Love Pyynö, to be exact. Arvostaa.
Sushi is great....we have a large immigrant Asian population here in San Diego, so we have excellent authentic Vietnamese, Chinese, and, yes, Japanese (!) food. I am a sushi lover. And the "green stuff" is Wasabi, and RULES YOU!
Sadistik said:
I am a sushi lover. And the "green stuff" is Wasabi, and RULES YOU!

Usually (outside Japan) the greenish pile next to your sushi/sashimi and soba is not real Wasabi, just some horseradish or other unrecognizable coloured stuff.

(I'm just trying to make a number out of myself here. Ignore me. To tell the truth, that's just what I've heard.)
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