
I have never eaten sushi either but have wanted for a long time. But I suppose I will never even get it in my mouth with those chop sticks. Japani-vamma.
I like Japanese food, especially because they keep it simple with the ingredients instead of throwing everything into a huge pan or kettle and making the food taste like everything and nothing specific (say, like Chinese).

Sushi and green tea, with sake and a game of Go. Mm-mm.

"Sushi Shop" in Helsinki (or that's what I think it's called) sells the real wasabi (powdered, to be mixed with water), as well as all kinds of rices, sheets of alga, vegetables and fish.

Too bad it's horribly expensive, even if you make it yourself. :(
I love spicy tuna sushi... a grocery store near me actually has a service that has professional chefs go there every day and make fresh sushi.

the fish isn't raw, it's smoked. and get the stuff with rice and sesame seeds on the outside, not just a seaweed shell. it's awesome.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
I wanna try it. Anyone buying me a sushi dinner..? Anyone? :p
i definitely would, but that little pond called the atlantic ocean could be a problem:p

@Zeanra, chopsticks are really easy to use, its a little weird a first but you can pick it up(pun not intended) pretty quickly.