Suspicious Anathema (?) demo

I've been likened to Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hamilton, and monkeys, alternately.

I think I don't look like Sigourney Weaver at all. But she's cool.
Hm, for that matter I don't find Tori Amos that hot, and I don't think Moons looks like Tori Amos either :D

If that's any consolation to you.
MoonsOfJupiter said:
Yes, I'm a girl. I'm too humble to admit if I'm hot or not. I've been likened to Tori Amos and Anneke Van Giersbergen in the past if that helps any.
heh once I was also likened to Anneke, or better to say mistaken for Anneke :) don't know how, though...
it was the mom of someone I knew, and the only thing she knew about me was that I sing in a choir, and there was a pic of singing Anneke, and later I've been told that his mom asked him if it's me on the pic :lol:
Maqus said:
Hm, for that matter I don't find Tori Amos that hot, and I don't think Moons looks like Tori Amos either :D

If that's any consolation to you.

no, that actually didn't help one bit. but thanks for trying.

@breaklose: you can't see a good ass on a mugshot. god damnit my ass is tight. hairy, but damned tight.