breaklose said:sound. are you ginger? show us a pic.
it happened to me also. okay, not with red. I used to be a complete blondieMoonsOfJupiter said:My hair is kind of reddish-brown. It used to be redder a few years back, but it darkened with age.
Loona said:it happened to me also. okay, not with red. I used to be a complete blondienow it's something I cannot really define, but I think it's closer to brown now. (my sister calls it gold, but I hate it... also when she comes around calling me golden-haired girl
I mean I hate when she says that. not the hair colour, think it's ok.
wahh, than I'm happy with itMaqus said:That's why your hair's still light brown, you see.
Loona said:wahh, than I'm happy with itPokolgép was never really my cup of tea.I had some time when I was listening to it, trying to like it because everyone recommended them (while they were also saying 'listen to this instead of wearing that shitty t-shirt' <- uh, that was Anathema
). thank god I could never get to like them
they still look like that I guessSkoms said:I saw some pictures of Pokolgep from 80ths... God, how cheesy they look!![]()