Suspyre needs a keyboardist!


May 31, 2005
New Jersey
Suspyre is still searching for a keyboardist. If you've seen us live in the past, we would either play just as 2 guitars, bass, drums, and vocals, or we'd use backing tracks with all the orchestral and other synth parts on them. The backing tracks were nice because it provided the full Suspyre effect, but having the drummer play to a click was sometimes a nerve-wracking experience, since something was always bound to go wrong.

Another reason we want a keyboardist is just to have another voice for future compositions, along with someone else that can take solos.

Now here are our audition requirements, upon which we will be only somewhat lenient:

* Must be able to read music. Yes, this means both treble and bass clef. Years of piano lessons is a plus and so is some kind of higher education involving music.
* I can do the arrangements (each piece is orchestrated completely differently; most of it will be arranging four string parts into the comfort of two hands), but it would be nice if the keyboardist can program his/her own sounds. For the Chicago PowerFest some arrangements were made and successfully performed.
* Age should be between 18-25ish years of age, simply because that's what we are.
* Obviously, if you're a drug addict, it'll be hard to work with you.
* We're based in New Jersey. This shouldn't be a deciding factor since we're not a full-time band, but it may be an point to consider. We tend to only rehearse a few times before a show; all writing and other work is mostly done through the computer.

We recently got a new drummer, so we're excited to start playing again later this year. Our third album is almost 100% written and recording has already begun.

Anyway, if anyone is interested let us know. We'll post a similar bulletin to other forums.
