Svidd neger movie/stk


Jul 16, 2003
Does anyone have some info about the movie or the soundtrack.
It says on the official site that it opened April 11th.
I guess that it will only go to cinema in Norway. Anyone seen it yet?
Will it be available on dvd/vhs?
I really want to see it
finally i get to hear this album! might be a little too early to make a review out of it yet since i downloaded it yesterday (seems to be the only way to get your hands on it so far), but a few things can be mentioned anyway
since this is a movie soundtrack the most natural thing is to compare it with Lyckantropen themes. this album runs less than 33min and contains 16 tracks which all have names. that i like. it gives a little hint about the song and it keeps me remembering it better.
i think i find this one a little bit more interesting than Lyckantropen actually. it is filled with more elements and more variation and is not as computerized. more like the soundtrack to Army of Darkness or The 13th Warrior, but there are also parts similar to "A quick fix..."
hope i get to see the movie too in a near future
I like it, but after A Quick Fix I was hoping for something along those lines... maybe we'll have to wait for Utopian Enterprises (or whatever the new name is) for the continuation of that sound.