Voddler, any experiences?

I tried it out, and it works pretty fine.. shitty interface though, because you cant use your mouse. D;
And TBH, 99,9% of the movies on there so far are absolutely worthless.

I thought it would lag like crazy, but it works kind of like a torrent so it actually works out pretty good.
BUT this also means that you are sharing every part of the movie that you have streamed to other people streaming it, it may even dl small parts of other movies to share with other people.. but hey, how else would they get this thing to work lag free?
Actually got my invite today, and yeah, the interface is absolutely horrible. I do realize it's intended to be used with an RC, but c'mon, I'd still like to have mouse control. Not that many movies there yet, and the new ones aren't free, but the movie streaming itself seemed to work fine. I'm gonna test drive it by watching some old crappy horror flick tonight :)