SW on Rock Band Network

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New Metal Member
Sep 29, 2009
Hi everyone,

I'm writing to inform the band of the Rock Band Network, which is a system that allows any artist/band to have their music transposed for the Rock Band video game. You guys may have heard of this already. I think that not only would SW's music be absolutely awesome to play on the game, it would be a tremendous tool to get the band to reach more ears.

More information can be found here:

These are two different groups that will transpose music into playable Rock Band songs:

I believe the band can set the price to download the song(s), the range is like $1 - $4 I think.

Thanks for reading and hopefully considering this, and keep on making amazing music. You guys rock.
Dude, I have thought about this already but the chance that SW would get picked over all the mainstream dogshit they release on that game is teeny tiny.

It would be fucking epic tho. I've voted xD
There are enough great power / progressive song to warrant an entire game, but i don't think enough people would buy it. Even the Bodom song on GH5 is one of their new ones as opposed to something classic like Hate Me or Bodom After Midnight.

I dare say Rock Band / Guitar Hero fans will be left waiting for many more years. It was amazing to get good Priest, Maiden, and Dream Theater tracks, not to mention Guitar Hero Metallica...i wouldn't hope for too much more though.

At least the upcoming Guitar Hero: Van Halen has Painkiller in it :)
Guys - Andreas - I hope you give this particular thread some attention. It hasn't been made very clear yet in the above posts WHY you should. #2 and #3 actually seem to confuse Rock Band Network with the regular Downloadable Content for the Rock Band game(s).

I know you're all into "grassroots marketing", building and establishing your fan base from the bottom up. Your active involvement in this forum and on facebook, you being on Spotify etc etc makes it clear that you realize the power of word of mouth.

Rock Band Network (RBN) could be EXACTLY the kind of platform that can help jolt you into underground stardom, or at least gain you lots of new fans.

The people behind the Rock Band games have stated from the start that Rock Band is meant to be a "platform", i.e like iTunes with lots and lots of songs. They started it off with the traditionally licensed songs from the big labels, but with RBN they're actually starting to "outsource" it to any band who might not even be signed yet.

The links that Browncoat provides are a good start to read up on it. To summarize:
1. You can sell your music to Rock Band players. There are millions of them, and many ordinary DLC songs are sold in the 100 000's. (Check http://www.dlcstats.com/ )
2. Your existing fan base can be rallied up to recommend you in the gamer forums. You can also get fans/"star players" to record youtube videos with Rock Band performances of your songs to drive sales. Users like azuritereaction has MILLIONS of views on youtube for his Rock Band drumming videos (Check him out at http://www.youtube.com/user/azuritereaction#p/u )
3. There doesn't have to be any work, or any cash equity / risk for you as a band. I seem to recall that the companies who do the job of transposing your songs from master tracks into the game format have an option to work for a royalty payment model.
4. There might be issues with the record label you're signed with - should be easy to check if the band still has the right to digital distribution like this. If not, maybe you could work out some new kind of royalty deal especially for the RBN platform.

The Guitar Hero / Rock Band type of game can be viewed as just a new medium, a different way of consuming the music we love. I for one know with 100% certainty that I would LOVE to have the entire Mercy Falls album available on Rock Band, and I'd easily pay 2-3 bucks each for every song.

I'm really interested in hearing what the band's stance on this "issue" is. Have you tried the games, do you like them? Dragonforce, Metallica, Rush, Kansas and many other established bands can testify on the boost in sales/popularity they've had thanks to music game distribution. ( http://www.rockband.com/zine/kansas_interview ) On the other hand, here's Jimmy Page and Jack White on the other side of the fence (http://www.nme.com/news/the-white-stripes/45521 )

Hey guys, maybe it's time to bump this thread, now that RBN 2.0 has come out. RBN 2.0 now also allows keyboard charting and harmonies. It's perfect for Seventh Wonder. It would also definitely boost your publicity, more people should hear about you. Please contact for example RockGamer Studios, they have the most experience in charting metal songs (and songs in general).

PS. It can't be such a bad deal, as Amberian Dawn, who previously announced that they will release their first two albums in whole into Rock Band Network, announced about a week ago that also their third album will be released in RBN.
Here is what their song Arctica from the third album looks like in-game.
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I'm going to go ahead and bump this thread.

I joined this forum today to post about the RBN, as I (and possibly many others) would LOVE to see Seventh Wonder on RBN. I didn't make the thread, due to this one existing.

I have noticed that members of the band are often active on this forum and I am going to try and make sure that at least one of them looks at this thread and hopefully looks into the Rock Band Network. :grin:
SW in the RBN Would be awesome. It would be a huge boost to the band's recognition worldwide, and could help promoting it's music: A different (and, may I add, very good) alternative to the pop-ish music flooding today's culture. More people should listen to SW, or such kind of groups, with a real musical level, and message to deliver, than... pop music. I completely support SW joining the RBN, simply because the people deserve to listen to this excellent kind of music, and SW deserves to be heard.

See you around!
@Adster: (in almost 8 months) 4 posts on the SW-Forum including 3 bumps in this thread....

More activity in a different way is highly appreciated! Thanks!!
@Adster: (in almost 8 months) 4 posts on the SW-Forum including 3 bumps in this thread....

More activity in a different way is highly appreciated! Thanks!!

I posted in the tabs thread requesting drum tabs not long after I posted in this thread.

It's not hard to ignore this if it doesn't interest you.

If I were to get as much as a "it's not happening, ever" from Andreas, I'd stop.
I posted in the tabs thread requesting drum tabs not long after I posted in this thread

Yep, saw that: keep it going that way!

It's not hard to ignore this if it doesn't interest you

Everything that happens on the Forum interests me, hence the remark.

If I were to get as much as a "it's not happening, ever" from Andreas, I'd stop

Let's wait and see :grin: .
Yep, saw that: keep it going that way!

Everything that happens on the Forum interests me, hence the remark.

Let's wait and see :grin: .

I'm sorry that you don't like what I'm doing. I agree if I were in your position it would probably annoy me, too. I'm going to keep at it though unless I get a ban warning or Andreas tells me it is (or more likely isn't) happening.

Sorry to nag about it. The fact that he hasn't responded may seem like a good thing, though. That, or he's undecided about the whole idea.
You totally misunderstood my initial intention, Adster.

I don't mind an occasional bump (at all).
You did 3 bumps in 4 posts though, so I was trying to encourage you to be a part of this great Forum in another and more active way!
Like I said: "keep it going that way"!

This thread was started 2,5 years ago. Let's see if the last and final bump (;)) leads to some results.
Well, I have no knowledge about the business-side of the story, but 'PR-wise' it would have been great indeed.
You totally misunderstood my initial intention, Adster.

I don't mind an occasional bump (at all).
You did 3 bumps in 4 posts though, so I was trying to encourage you to be a part of this great Forum in another and more active way!
Like I said: "keep it going that way"!

This thread was started 2,5 years ago. Let's see if the last and final bump (;)) leads to some results.

Thanks for the encouragement but I'm fine as I am. I generally only stick with a forum if I have something to offer (i.e. knowledge, advice.) In this case, I don't.


You guys should contact That Authoring Group, they author the songs without any payment up front, they just ask for 5% of the song profits, so there is nothing to lose.

Please, Andreas? ;)
A little summary of this thread:
A thread starter that hasn't returned to (his own thread and) the forum since September 2009....and three people within the thread whose posts obviously show other interests than the love for Seventh Wonder's music (only).

I generally only stick with a forum if I have something to offer (i.e. knowledge, advice.) In this case, I don't.

In that case, please stay away if you have nothing to offer.

Thread closed!
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