Swallowed In Black


Troll #2
May 25, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Does anyone know where i can buy or order the SADUS album
"Swallowed In Black"? I gotta have it, since it kicks ass.
I only have it on mp3 at the moment and that's, of course, damn boring.

So please help me, because it's impossible to find it here in Sweden. :mad:
Good luck is all I can say. No one sells it anymore. It's been out of print for years. It's the highest priced of all our albums on ebay. Besides ebay, I would suggest used cd shops. But there are no catalogs for it, and we don't have any copies laying around. But your in a good place to look, we sold a lot in Sweden...in fact didn't you know Sadus owns Sweden..?
Good luck.
Lucky you :-) Ebaysweden.com recently opened (former ibazar.se) .. So now we've got our own ebay in Sweden, connected to the world wide ebay ofcourse, making us able to bid and sell items all over the world ;-)

In order to bid on ebay, you just have to register - but I think you need to have a credit card (VISA or something) to register. And preferrably be registered to PalPal to be able to pay for the stuff - most people use that system.

I've bought stuff from there 1 or 2 times, from USA .. to Sweden. And Holland, and maybe England, can't remember. It worked swell :-)
You don't have to own a credit card to register.
I only bid on auctions where the seller accepts cash. I got Watchtower's Control and Resistance really cheap a couple of weeks ago.
davidian@Thanks alot! Will check the site right away!!

SlaughterofSoul@:hotjump: Damn!! I gotta have that one!!
If i only could e-mail him and buy it from him directly instead of
doing this check order, money orders, paypal or whatever it is! hehe
I think it's best and easiest to send money well hidden in an envelope or sth.

Anyway, thanks for help guys! :)
Check in the item description at ebay if the seller will ship internationally! If it says "will ship to USA only" or something, well .. then you have to e-mail the guy and ask if he'd make an exception. I think many users will ship worldwide, if you just pay the extra shipping charge :)

And, I've shopped a few times where I've sent money in a sealed envelope actually, so it works too! Do you live some place you can change kronor into $? (Like close to a forex office?)
Originally posted by davidian
Check in the item description at ebay if the seller will ship internationally! If it says "will ship to USA only" or something, well .. then you have to e-mail the guy and ask if he'd make an exception. I think many users will ship worldwide, if you just pay the extra shipping charge :)

And, I've shopped a few times where I've sent money in a sealed envelope actually, so it works too! Do you live some place you can change kronor into $? (Like close to a forex office?)

Yeah, but the thing is that you have to register at E-bay in order to get
the sellers e-mail address and stuff, because i can't find it otherwise.
It means i can't contact the seller, which is annoying!

And yeah, i can exchange money at Forex, correct!
Du är också svensk eller?
That seller only ships to America so good luck. E-bay rules though. I am selling a repress of Iron Maidens The soundhouse tapes and the bid is currently up to 155 dollars!!!!
I bought it for 8 dollars 10 years ago.
Wow, I'd like to get that kind of money for something I sell. But I hate that Ebay charges like a few % of the final bid =/

Perhaps you let the buyer pay that extra fee? ;-)

I've asked people from the US many times if they could ship to Sweden, if I pay the extra charge. They mostly accept it..! :-)

Ja, jag är svensk. Verkar vara ett flertal svenskar på detta messageboard! :-)

Illusions was re-released as Chemical Exposure, I believe. I own Chemical Exposure.

Both it and Vision weren't too hard to find. I just searched around on the internet and found them both new for reasonable prices.

As far as the music, Vision is much better, IMO. I like it better than Swallowed in Black.

Good luck.