Swano stuff on WZBC


New Metal Member
Feb 2, 2004
Hey guys, sorry if this is too spam-ish for my first post and all, but I thought I would let you guys know that on May 7 from 6-7 PM Eastern Time (GMT-5), I am going to be co-hosting a Swano dedicated segment of WZBC's (Boston College's radio station) Test Pattern, which is an hour long weekly installment that focuses on somewhat unknown (at least here in the States, sorry Dan ;)) artists/labels/collective, etc., and focuses mainly on unreleased material. If it's cool with Dan, it's probably going to be mostly stuff from the website, especially since I haven't gotten very far on replacing all of my records after a nasty theft. So I guess listen up and let us know what you think and any input is very very very much appreciated!