Swano's "Melissa"

Hey Sadistik, I guess you`ve heard the entire "Melissa" record of Mercyful Fate? What`s you opinion about them? Personally I think both "Melissa" and "Don`t break the oath" are classical stuff. The Metallica-medley is also cool stuff. Hetfield sure handled the vocals great on that one. I though he was going to mess it up like hell
I love the Melissa and Don't Break... albums. But I dislike MF's version of Melissa. I think Swano's version is far superior, and I don't think MF's is really good at all in the first place.

Metallica's medley really doesn't strike my fancy.. I'd rather just listen to the MF songs themselves.
So, are you still into Metallica then? I know many left them when they released "Load" and "Reload".. Personally, I think they both kick ass. They`re different ok, but I think that`s cool. Look at Slayer for example, they have been doing the same thing over and over again. That`s boring! Metallica are in studio now, working on the next studio album. I am really looking forward to listen to it. Hetfield always deliver! He is the guitarmeastro!
No news on the new bassist though.. I heard Mike Inez was the new guy, but that can be just rumours...
Metallica is one of the bands that got me into metal, but now I just find all of their albums boring. I do like to listen to Kill 'Em All every now and then though!

Slayer has been bad for a while. I think their last good album was Divine Intervention. I'd be more than happy if they hung it up instead of playing this shit they've been putting out recently.