
You are going to name your band, HELLO MONEY?
Talk about getting right to the point!!!!!!
I wish more bands had your honesty and integrity.

No, Bloody Flesh Munchers...but I'm really just kidding.
Zombie Metal doesn't appeal to me.

But I also don't knock bands for wanting fame and steady money. I don't feel like they're taking anything away from any other bands and accept that only the "watered down" stuff usually gets wide acceptance from an ignorant public.

I really don't have any hangups about that sort of thing. The only thing I consider when I listen to music these days is "does this kick my ass?"
I know you were just goofing.

Yeah, it doesn't bother me all THAT much, especially since it isn't anything really new. Gimmicks always sell, leaving the bands with integrity in obscurity. I suppose the satisfaction is that we keep the bands we love to ourselves in the underground (Though its the hardworking bands that have to work even harder for little, which sucks!)

Its a catch 22, because if Blind Guardian (for example) were all of a sudden a Hot Topic band opening for SlipKnot, we would bitch about that too! :lol:
I was at Paganfest at Jaxx last night. Personally, I thought Swashbuckle was a joke. Silly pirate banter with "songs". They were right to be up first, since they were definitely the least of the bands on the bill.

The most hilarious part was well after their set when they were breaking down the stage, the drummer decided to attempt a stage dive into what was left of the crowd. The crowd wasn't prepared for it and he ended up falling onto the floor.
I love folk metal but if the bands like Alestorm and Swashbuckle are the future of the genre, I don't like the way it's going at all.

It's not because they're fun because I love Korpiklaani...they both just suck.
I love folk metal but if the bands like Alestorm and Swashbuckle are the future of the genre, I don't like the way it's going at all.

It's not because they're fun because I love Korpiklaani...they both just suck.

Like any genre that hit a litle bit of popularity....the bands that are just riding the band wagon will vanish once the trendy fans get bored...then the bands that are true to the genre will still be there....if you are a true fan...so will you.
Like any genre that hit a litle bit of popularity....the bands that are just riding the band wagon will vanish once the trendy fans get bored...then the bands that are true to the genre will still be there....if you are a true fan...so will you.

Oh I know

I just hope crappy bands like them don't get booked for Paganfest 3 when Falkenbach could be playing their first show tour ever.

Yeah right.....Haha :lol:
I just listened to the soundclips of Swashbuckle and....


Bleck. I like the whole idea of pirate metal, but those vocals are just putrid.
I like Alestorm but these guys sounds to me like Sodom/Kreator jumping on the pirate bandwagon. They sent me an invitation on Mysapce and after 5 seconds of a song I deny it and escape from there :lol:
I need to jump on this trend and get my Zombie Metal band started in time for the genre to blow up huge!

Zombies >>> Vikings >>> Pirates >>> Ninjas >>> Vampires

Way ahead of you...this is a band I've been involved with since 2004 (and existed as a studio project for a couple years before that): www.myspace.com/rvgtzm

As for Swashbuckle...well, I found them entertaining at Pagan Fest, but I definitely liked the other bands better, and felt like Swashbuckle didn't really fit in.

Primordial, on the other hand, fucking destroyed...so glad they played some Spirit the Earth Aflame stuff.
I produced the PaganFest 2 tour in Minnesota and I thought Swashbuckle was pretty good.

Now having said that, let's clarify.

#1 - I would never ever consider them "Pagan Metal."

#2 - I don't even know if I would consider them "Pirate Metal" - whatever the f*** that even means.

#3 - I don't (necessarily) have a problem with them being on the PaganFest tour. They weren't a headliner, they were a "warm-up" band. Warm-up bands do not necessarily have to fall in line for what the rest of the tour is accomplishing. This has been done since the dawn of time.

I would be curious to hear you all compare and contrast bands like Running Wild, AleStorm and now Swashbuckle. Since the three are similar, are we picking on Swashbuckle because they happen to be from the US?

I don't think "Gimmick Metal" is necessarily a bad thing. I will readily admit that DF (which used to be one of my favorite bands) is now more of a gimmick than a real band. But the word "Gimmick" seems to be a fancy new label for a term we use(d) a lot - SELLOUT. I don't always think the two terms are synonymous. I remember a lot of positive feedback on PowerGlove on here when they went around with DF and they are obviously, obviously Gimmick Metal. But they do it really well, so ... what's the problem?

Now if Swashbuckle ever headlined PaganFest, I think there would be a legitimate room for griping.

Just my two pesos ...

I produced the PaganFest 2 tour in Minnesota and I thought Swashbuckle was pretty good.

Now having said that, let's clarify.

#1 - I would never ever consider them "Pagan Metal."

#2 - I don't even know if I would consider them "Pirate Metal" - whatever the f*** that even means.

#3 - I don't (necessarily) have a problem with them being on the PaganFest tour. They weren't a headliner, they were a "warm-up" band. Warm-up bands do not necessarily have to fall in line for what the rest of the tour is accomplishing. This has been done since the dawn of time.

I would be curious to hear you all compare and contrast bands like Running Wild, AleStorm and now Swashbuckle. Since the three are similar, are we picking on Swashbuckle because they happen to be from the US?

I don't think "Gimmick Metal" is necessarily a bad thing. I will readily admit that DF (which used to be one of my favorite bands) is now more of a gimmick than a real band. But the word "Gimmick" seems to be a fancy new label for a term we use(d) a lot - SELLOUT. I don't always think the two terms are synonymous. I remember a lot of positive feedback on PowerGlove on here when they went around with DF and they are obviously, obviously Gimmick Metal. But they do it really well, so ... what's the problem?

Now if Swashbuckle ever headlined PaganFest, I think there would be a legitimate room for griping.

Just my two pesos ...



First off....with the Pagan Fest tour....you expect to see bands who are under the Pagan theme or folk metal theme. Swashbuckle are a band that you can tell were some lousy act in thier hometown but when the folk / pagan thing broke out and got a littel bit popular...these guys jumped at the chance to change thier identity and cash in (if you really can actually) on thise genre while the popularity last. There is zero redeming qualities to this band. Sure it is funny to see some fat guys on stage wearing outlandish pirate suits....which the real pirates never wore...but they are going after the Disney style of pirates garb. This is the kind of band that would change thier image ina heart beat to get on the next bandwagon. Musically they are terrible...horrible vocals, the songs are not catchy.....this is a bottom feeder band. The only reason Nuclear Blast signed them is so they can cash in on the folk genre.

Dont even get me started on Blackguard.....the ultimate poser band. Again...he lets change are name so we fit in this new genre. They sound like every other generic band trying to put folkish keyboards into thier sound. Any band asking for a circle pit at thier show is pathetic. Bands loose credibility to me when having to ask the crowd to get crazy.....you have to earn the crowd first. Now they are jumping on the Sounds of the Underground Tour which some would say cool...but to me...that tour is nothing but Ozzfest Jr.

These two bands had no right to even be on thier tour. For someone who has been listening to this stuff way before Pagan Fest. It is sad that these are the bands they are trying to pass off as Pagan Acts. it is the result of mainstream ruining something good. No one can say that there isnt any bands who could fill out the roster better. there are tons, you just have to know where to look.

Plus...I can respect any band playing the folk / pagan stuff who has no ties to it. New jersey Pirates??? really? While I dont get into the nationalist side of the pagan thing but I respect a little for what they are saying. For many, they have no clue what is going on in the pagan scene. There are bands who support thier heritage who are honoring it and there are bands who are twisting it up and adding in racist ideals into it. While I fully support the first who sing about thier homeland and mythology of it and ignore the later who are just adding hate into it. I just cant take any band serious who sing about vikings and stuff but have no ties to it. It would be like taking basketball lessons from a blind midget. Just wouldnt be right.

I really hope the Pagan Fest continues....it is a great way for bands to get over here and play for new fans. But to add these other acts who are just ruining the genre is a bad move.
First off....with the Pagan Fest tour....you expect to see bands who are under the Pagan theme or folk metal theme.

There were - Moonsorrow, Primordial and Korpiklaani. Swashbuckle and Blackguard were warm-up acts and weren't meant to be taken all that seriously. Look at the admat - their fonts were so tiny, you could barely see them!

Adding a US band to this tour makes sense on paper even if it doesn't necessarily translate into 100% fitting all the bands in the same genre. And I think their gimmickry worked well to get people in to see the rest of the bands that were of superior quality. So what's the harm?

Swashbuckle are a band that you can tell were some lousy act in thier hometown but when the folk / pagan thing broke out and got a littel bit popular...these guys jumped at the chance to change thier identity and cash in (if you really can actually) on thise genre while the popularity last. There is zero redeming qualities to this band. Sure it is funny to see some fat guys on stage wearing outlandish pirate suits....which the real pirates never wore...but they are going after the Disney style of pirates garb. This is the kind of band that would change thier image ina heart beat to get on the next bandwagon. Musically they are terrible...horrible vocals, the songs are not catchy.....this is a bottom feeder band. The only reason Nuclear Blast signed them is so they can cash in on the folk genre.

Not everyone who dons a pirate hat can sound like Running Wild.

Dont even get me started on Blackguard.....the ultimate poser band. Again...he lets change are name so we fit in this new genre. They sound like every other generic band trying to put folkish keyboards into thier sound. Any band asking for a circle pit at thier show is pathetic. Bands loose credibility to me when having to ask the crowd to get crazy.....you have to earn the crowd first. Now they are jumping on the Sounds of the Underground Tour which some would say cool...but to me...that tour is nothing but Ozzfest Jr..

Here's where I really disagree with you. I thought BLACKGUARD was sensational. Say what you want about Swashbuckle and I'll probably have to agree but BLACKGUARD was great, I'm not sure what show you were watching. So they asked for a pit, big deal. They were doing what a good warm-up band does - tries to get the crowd all fired up for the headliners. They definitely accomplished that in Minnesota and they were well received.

These two bands had no right to even be on thier tour. For someone who has been listening to this stuff way before Pagan Fest. It is sad that these are the bands they are trying to pass off as Pagan Acts. it is the result of mainstream ruining something good. No one can say that there isnt any bands who could fill out the roster better. there are tons, you just have to know where to look.

I think you're overreacting. I am certainly not an expert on Pagan metal or Paganism for that matter, but the overall integrity of the festival was not harmed by the addition of some warm-up cheese. The three headliners destroyed everything once they hit the stage. When you are doing a 5 band festival, a little variety is nice and maybe S & BG were not the best choices but I don't think it was the end of the world. In the end, everyone was exposed to some seriously great music and everyone had a good time. If it gets more people in the door to see the good stuff, let the damn pirates open up for the Pagans, who the heck cares? :loco:

Adding a US band to this tour makes sense on paper even if it doesn't necessarily translate into 100% fitting all the bands in the same genre. And I think their gimmickry worked well to get people in to see the rest of the bands that were of superior quality. So what's the harm?

this statement about makes my stomach turn in so many ways......Gimmickry kills genres and ruins its credibility. Sure it is smart to have some US bands on the bill....but when you add silly acts to serious acts....it doesnt mesh well and hurts it in the long run. Blackguard have turned into a construct of a record label. Almost to what most metalcore acts are. Label says...do this. band does it. Label says...wear this...band wears it. Cant take any band serious that doesnt have a little bit of morals. And asking for a pit is the lowest form of band / crowd banter in my book. Worse than mentioning the headliners between each song to get the crowd to cheer.

When it comes to adding bands on tours.....I love when there is a mix of genres if it works well. you statement can be taken so many different ways....the harm can be mixing bands that do not mix well...look how many tours we have seen over the past 5 or 6 years that have had tons of crap metalcore acts dropped in and those slots could have gone to better deserving acts. This is where the harm is done. I applaud your fest that you are starting up. It was highly talked about this past weekend at the Chicago Powerfest. You seem to have gotten it right. Getting bands that all are great in their selected genre. This will make for a very special show.

I dont care if every pirate band sounds like Running Wild. Swashbuckle were just a crap band. The kind that you would see on a small stage at Milwaukee Metalfest. But now since they dress as pirates they are deemed a good band.

The warm up cheese is what is ruining the pagan metal genre...not sure how much pagan stuff you listen too but if you just listen to the stuff that has been on Pagan Fest....sure you would like chesse. Myself...I listen to all sorts of stuff from the poppy stuff to the heavy and dark stuff. A nice quarter of my collection is filled with this stuff. I would rather see a band play on the tour who is recognized for thier musicmanship than thier ability too look silly on stage.
Now they are jumping on the Sounds of the Underground Tour which some would say cool...but to me...that tour is nothing but Ozzfest Jr.

Actually SOTU has been dead for a few years now...they're on Summer Slaughter, which has bands like Suffocation, Necrophagist, Dying Fetus, Ensiferum, etc. Not really like anything you'd find on Ozzfest.