The good thing about scandinavia is that you can speak english with everyone, until you learn their language 

One of the places I'm considering for graduate school is the University of Helsinki... any warnings?
I was an exchange student in denmark for half a year (still counts as svandinavia, amirite?)
Had the time of my life, everything was amazing, except the danes, i think they don't like foreigners, but who doesn't anyway![]()
The good thing about scandinavia is that you can speak english with everyone, until you learn their language![]()
One of the places I'm considering for graduate school is the University of Helsinki... any warnings?
Hmm, yeah, now that you mention it, I remember that's similar to what I had heard; I suppose I can't condemn a society that puts pressure on people to be progressive and forward-thinking, but balance in all things is always key, and too much liberalism can make a nation a bunch of pussies![]()
And what's the deal with immigration there? I can only assume that despite the (coerced) support for it it's still a pretty complex and in-depth process? (since those immigrants are gonna have to pay the super-high taxes to help support your society, unlike here, where all the illegal ones just get paid off the books and use all our services paid for with our tax dollars :Smug: But then again, they do work their asses off, and are good people, and most Americans would be very reluctant to do the work they do!)
Oh! Närmare "hem" än vad jag bor nu då, jag trodde du borde mycket längre norrut.
Kollade du länken btw? ; 3
Well, for instance we took in more immigrants from Iraq then the rest of the world did together.
Immigrants get EVERYTHING payed to them by the state, they dont have to work because we pay insane amounts of money to immigrants.
Our processes of immigration is basically that the border is almost free, all you have to do is say that you are an immigrant and the process gets started, then you get a fake id(Administered by the state since you probably dont have a valid one.), then you get completely free health and dentalcare(Which not even us Swedes are.).
Then after 5-8 years, the state might come and say "Naah, we cant find any reasons for you guys to live here.", so then they have to move home even though they have children that dont even speak "their" native language.
Swedens immigration policies is one of the reasons i want to leave this country.
We flood the borders with immigrants, we give them their own home, we give their kids school.. basically, we give them everything you need to live a good life.
Then it can take up to 10 years before we decide if they actually are allowed to stay in our country, so we have then payed for a whole family during a 10 year period just to kick them out(With their children that grew up here.).
Trust me on this though, i dont have any problems with having very open borders, but you cant let anyone that wants to move in to the country on "trial".
And on another scary side-note: Its illegal to sing the national anthem in some schools here in Sweden, as it is considered racist.
I was with my parents last week and we talked about that, my dad apparantly pays like 2800$ in income tax.the super-high income tax
Nu bor jag i Skövde, går på Högskolan I Skövde (Musik- och Ljudproduktion - mestadels av utbildningen är i piss-skara).Jasså?
Vart bor du nu då?
Och jag kollade inte länken, men jag har sett den innan.![]()
I hope Italy will be the next Greece.
Well, for instance we took in more immigrants from Iraq then the rest of the world did together.
Immigrants get EVERYTHING payed to them by the state, they dont have to work because we pay insane amounts of money to immigrants.
Our processes of immigration is basically that the border is almost free, all you have to do is say that you are an immigrant and the process gets started, then you get a fake id(Administered by the state since you probably dont have a valid one.), then you get completely free health and dentalcare(Which not even us Swedes are.).
Then after 5-8 years, the state might come and say "Naah, we cant find any reasons for you guys to live here.", so then they have to move home even though they have children that dont even speak "their" native language.
Swedens immigration policies is one of the reasons i want to leave this country.
We flood the borders with immigrants, we give them their own home, we give their kids school.. basically, we give them everything you need to live a good life.
Then it can take up to 10 years before we decide if they actually are allowed to stay in our country, so we have then payed for a whole family during a 10 year period just to kick them out(With their children that grew up here.).
Trust me on this though, i dont have any problems with having very open borders, but you cant let anyone that wants to move in to the country on "trial".
And on another scary side-note: Its illegal to sing the national anthem in some schools here in Sweden, as it is considered racist.
I was with my parents last week and we talked about that, my dad apparantly pays like 2800$ in income tax.![]()
A friend of mine goes to NY every year and says that there´s people from all over the world there too, but they're more like living side-by-side rather than living together.
Trust me on this though, i dont have any problems with having very open borders, but you cant let anyone that wants to move in to the country on "trial".
And on another scary side-note: Its illegal to sing the national anthem in some schools here in Sweden, as it is considered racist.