Here's a list of what I consider the best of Swedish Death Metal (sticking to the old-school), with the bare essentials highlighted.
Afflicted - Prodigal Sun
At the Gates - The Red in the Sky is Ours
Authorize - The Source of Dominion
Bloodstone - Hour of the Gate
Carbonized - For the Security
Carnage - Dark Recollections
Cemetary - An Evil Shade of Grey
Crematory - Wrath From the Unknown
Crematory - Denial
Crypt of Kerberos - World Of Myths
Crypt of Kerberos - The Macrodex of War (probably the best compilation ever)
Desultory - Into Eternity
Dismember - Like An Ever Flowing Stream
Dismember - Pieces
Edge of Sanity - Unorthodox
Entombed - Left Hand Path
Entombed - Clandestine
Epitaph - Seeming Salvation
Eucharist - A Velvet Creation
God Macabre - The Winterlong
Gorement - The Ending Quest
Grave - Into the Grave
Grave - You'll Never See...
Grotesque - In the Embrace of Evil
Liers in Wait - Spiritually Uncontrolled Art
Luciferion - Demonication (The Manifest)
Merciless - The Awakening
Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence
Nihilist - Demos
Runemagick - The Supreme Force of Eternity
Seance - Fornever Laid to Rest
Seance - Saltrubbed Eyes
Therion - ...Of Darkness
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
Tiamat - The Astral Sleep
Unanimated - In the Forest of the Dreaming Dead
Unleashed - Where No Life Dwells
Unleashed - Shadows in the Deep
I've left out a lot of the more obscure, less important releases so as not to overwhelm you. If you want more, ask.