"Swedish Metal"

Dec 27, 2004
I actually had some kid try to convince me this was a genre.

First he says "They are masters of there instruments, they are gods" aka: he hung on to there penis wicked tight.

Then he says, "I call it Swedish metal, some call it Black Metal" and that REALLY fucking pissed me off...but then he listed some bands:


After that I basicly stopped talking to him cuz he was a cunt. I was just upset that he fucking was trying to tell me 1: Swedish metal was a seperate genre (i understand MAYBE Gothenburg Death Metal could be considered such...) 2: He was sucking on there balls just because they where swedish. 3: He tried to say Swedish Metal was a term for black metal...and then listed those bands...


sorry, just wondering if anyone else has encountered such scandenavian reach arounds in person.
Yeah I used to be one such cunt many years ago. :loco:

The only Swedish bands I knew of were Gothenburg, and in 1995 there really weren't genre names that I knew of (everything just fell under Death Metal), so I referred to them all as Swedish Death Metal. Also I didn't know what the fuck black metal was, I didn't hear Emperor, Darkthrone, Ulver, Mayhem, etc. until just a few years ago.
I didn't know what black metal really was until a year ago, but I still only called bands from Sweden "Swedish metal"! HURRAY for not being a stupid cunt!
Not with Sweden, but I have had little kids talking to me thinking that they know everything there is to know about music and then get really uptight when I point out they're full of shit...gotta expect it, I guess.
yea...and i understand what alot of you are saying. I guess its the people that think they know some hidden, garden of eden of metal, SCANDENAVIA!, and that no one else knows ANYTHING about the metal that comes from thEIr. ARGH. Those are the people that piss me off...