Swedish songbirds are dropping like flies!

I really don't know why, but I'm interested in hearing what Mayhem does with Attila back on vocals. I doubt he'll have much influence on songwriting though which makes my interest fairly unfounded, but whatever.
Well not that I know much about Attila, but I read in an interview with Hellhammer that Chimera was a pure cash in album and what they really wanted to make was something along the lines of GDoW
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuneeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyeeeeelllllll FEST!!!
dorian gray said:
Worst press release of all time. Real heartfelt sentiments there.

It could easily be read as "See, suicide doesn't have to be selfish! He's ensured the future of the band, nevermind that we've never seen or heard this Ghoul character, except that he doesn't go for that anticosmic nonsense, or that Kvarforth's family is desperately trying to locate him!"
lizard said:
though replaced by his younger brother Phil A.Cirone one month later.
hahaha...kvarforth!...hellhammer!...wedebrand!...tusk!...........phil a. cirone!!!

actually i've been meaning to get my hands on some shining, i still have one track from "IV" somebody jewsentshit a while back and it's right fookin' ace, mate [/dingoatemybaby]
Here's the Hellhammer interview I was talking about: http://www.imhotep.fi/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1914&Itemid=135&lang=en Imhotep is a really good zine btw.

Imhotep Interview said:
"If “Grand Declaration of War” is written by your hearts then explain to me, why did you return with “Chimera” to the style of your first album?
He surprises me, giving me an emotionless answer. He’s not smiling at all.

“Because we wanted to sell more!”

Honesty < most things :]
never heard 'em. has suicide become the new "in thing" in Sweden? i hope erik and mike dont break up with their rubber dolls.....i mean girlfriends.