sweep picking: balance between high and low notes in a mix

Calippo Tecks

Feb 6, 2005
I was practicing some sweeping on one of my songs with the 8505 and soldano vst panned left and right and record it to see where I have to pay attention to play cleaner. I found out that my high notes sound much clearer in the mix, it's ofcourse also because of my playing, it can be better, no doubt about that, but how can I minimalise this problem as a "mixing man"?
I hope u understand what I mean with my explanation:loco:
Here's the example:
Multi-band comp for the low-end, followed by a low-end boost if need be. Always hi-pass the solos at 100hz.
Always automate the volume. Never compress too much. Try to get the best through automation, and then apply some subtle compression.
Be careful with reverb. Reverb tends to make the low notes lose clarity. What I do in the reverb aux is: I hi-pass at 250hz and low-pass at 5khz.
So we have the reverb applied to that frequency range only.
Sounds like your playing is the problem :Smug: Just stick with it you're most of the way there.
Thanks man, gonna try that out for sure.
Actually didn't use any delay if that's what you mean, but I did use some reverb to give it a little bit more atmosphere. I'm currently practicing this song and wanna record the whole thing not this weekend but next weekend, so I still have some time to get my playing better :p I'll post the whole thing here when it's done.
Thanks again for your help.
Thanks man, gonna try that out for sure.
Actually didn't use any delay if that's what you mean, but I did use some reverb to give it a little bit more atmosphere. I'm currently practicing this song and wanna record the whole thing not this weekend but next weekend, so I still have some time to get my playing better :p I'll post the whole thing here when it's done.
Thanks again for your help.

You're welcome. Best of luck with the session!
Oh by the way,
I use my Ibanez Jem on this. If I play this with my Peavey V-type it goes slightly better because the strings are a little bit closer to eachother and I have this midget hands, lol... It's also a bit of my own fault, my V-type stands right next to me and the Jem is always in his case, I should practice it on my Jem since I'm going to record it with that guitar, but yeah... that V-Type just stands closer to me lol
I have never actually mixing and songs with any serious sweeps in them... the first thing that i personally would turn to would be multiband compression on the low end the reduce the resonance on high scale notes on the lowest string ;)
A friend of mine is a crazy sweeper and we found that putting a hair band around the top of the neck to dampen the strings a little helps massively. Not just in mixing but overall clarity.

I guess if you tight enough , you wouldnt need it but when you get to those high notes you get that twangy metally sound.
A friend of mine is a crazy sweeper and we found that putting a hair band around the top of the neck to dampen the strings a little helps massively. Not just in mixing but overall clarity.

I guess if you tight enough , you wouldnt need it but when you get to those high notes you get that twangy metally sound.


I think even some of the tightest players would benefit from it, it really does take out what the hands miss *be it un-intentional by a pro ;)*