sweeping: pick every note?


New Metal Member
Sep 16, 2004
Do you guys like to pick every note, or do you use hammers & pulls? I used to use pulls alot but then I learned that Yngwie seems to pick every note so now that's what I do too.
i do both, but mainly hammers & pulls, sweeps sound sick as, i love using them
Stuart said:
Do you guys like to pick every note, or do you use hammers & pulls? I used to use pulls alot but then I learned that Yngwie seems to pick every note so now that's what I do too.
Malmsteen doesn't pick every note. It depends on the sweep, but i've never seen him playing a "whole-picked-sweep". Basically you use a pull-off or a hammer-on when you have to play two notes and more on one string, and when you going back or start the sweep again you maybe have to use po or ho.

Anku, the names "pull-off" and "hammer-on" speaks for theirselves...
The reason I think yjm likes to pick every note is mainly cos in one of his GW columns he gave a few basic examples and none used hammers or pulls. Thus for example:


and not (as I used to play it):


To me, the first one gives a more even articulation. And it basically just feels better. Maybe when Alexi covers sweeping in his column, we'll get an idea what his preference is. Just thought I'd ask you guys anyway.
the purpose of a sweep is to hit every single note...whether or not you "pick"
each note or not, you can use hammer ons or pulloffs, just as long as you get every note in there, whatever feels more comfortable. also depending on the kind of sweep you're playing. but as for just fucking around and just trying to get it done and not worrying about every note, then its gonna sound like shit. and if for some reason you do this and it happens to not sound like shit, then you're still doing it wrong anyway. but im anal about practicing and getting things right anyway, i dont like taking the easy way out. so...nobody take offense to this :)
it doesn't make that much of sound difference, and i've seen very few guitarists who pick several notes of a sweep on the same string.

but sometimes i tend to pick every note when sweeping downwards, no idea why.
Well, surely to hit two notes without hammering on/pulling off you would need to pick the note twice, and the whole idea of sweep is one continuous[sp?] picking motion. Unless I'm wrong I think Example Two in Stuarts post is the correct way to sweep.
Stuart said:
The reason I think yjm likes to pick every note is mainly cos in one of his GW columns he gave a few basic examples and none used hammers or pulls. Thus for example:


and not (as I used to play it):


To me, the first one gives a more even articulation. And it basically just feels better. Maybe when Alexi covers sweeping in his column, we'll get an idea what his preference is. Just thought I'd ask you guys anyway.
I'm sure that Alexi is playing it with a pull off, so as I and so as many guitarists. Without pull offs and hammer-ons you definitely get problems at a higher speed. Bzw. I think Alexi would play it also that way:

e------------8 h12 h17* p12 p8---------------

*:with the middlefinger of the right hand

I personally play it way above or the second way you mentioned

Malmsteen plays it that way:

trust me, malmsteen uses hammer on's and pull off's in sweeps, at least e does in every vide i've got with him
i play it this way

Thanks for the responses. guess I'll keep practising it both ways, but I think I'd only do it with legato shit if it's too fast for me to perform without.
a hammer on is when you pick a note and then hammer your other finger on another note without picking again. it lets you play faster. and a pull off is the opposite. and when you do them together you get a hammer on and pulll off thing.
what's wrong with this pattern --->
it's one of the first sweep shapes i learned, simply based on a minor bar chord on 5 strings.

E ----------------12^17^12----------------
B -------------13----------13-------------
G ----------14----------------14----------
D -------14----------------------14-------
A -12^15----------------------------15^12-
E --------------