Sweet guitars

DeathSlut said:

it took me a while to get used to the rhoads shape (especially when sitting) but i actually prefer it now to any other shape.
imo the rhoads is the most comfortable guitar whether you are sitting or standing. its perfectly balanced for standing, and when playing sitting you play it classical style, it is so comfortable.
Elysian893 said:
imo the rhoads is the most comfortable guitar whether you are sitting or standing. its perfectly balanced for standing, and when playing sitting you play it classical style, it is so comfortable.

oh i definitely agree with you. i wouldnt have some time ago when i had first bought it, but only because i was unsure of how exactly to hold the damn thing.

but once i got used to it (as i had mostly played only strat or SG shaped guitars before) it definitely is an easy play. and since at home i usually play while sitting on the floor, it's a good one to play while sitting cross-legged since you can just stick the V part on your leg.
i tried playing with a king v sitting down, and because it was symmetrical, it was really hard to do because the bottom part would stick into the chair i was sitting on, very uncomfortable.

I would marry her!!!