Sweetest Guitar.

nice of you that you ignore the rest of the questions in your thread.

now dont be a cunt like me and answer them :D
nitrocellulose lacquer, shit if i know how many coats, and of course i sprayed it, how else would i do it? a roller and a paint can? and yes, it still needs to be color sanded and buffed, as any guitar does after its painted, paint never goes on perfectly flat.
yeah i know, i wanted to know what pain you used because
i heard from some guy who build guitars too that not every paint is good
especially the one that based on oil are the worst choice you can make,
and some paints are too strong and they kill the wood characteristics
so sinse you are in this school you must be using the best matrials out there
damn im so jealous, i wish there was a guitar building school around my house....

I would probley build a copy of a Ibanez Rg with a killswitch, some custom inlays, and some badass paint..

FallingDownInRuins said:
yeah i know, i wanted to know what pain you used because
i heard from some guy who build guitars too that not every paint is good
especially the one that based on oil are the worst choice you can make,
and some paints are too strong and they kill the wood characteristics
so sinse you are in this school you must be using the best matrials out there
paint is not really important on electrics, whereas it is on acoustics. oil finishes and nitro are the best finishes for acoustics, because they allow the wood to resonate properly... electric's don't rely on the wood resonating to make their sound, so paint doesn't effect the tone(regardless of some noob on an internet forum saying he can totally hear the difference, placebo is a wonderful thing.) polyester paint has become pretty much standard for guitar finish lately, but we are spraying nitro because we've never painted before, and polyester is very hard to spray, because you can't fix it so easily like nitro, nitro is the most forgiving finish out there.
Elysian893 said:
about 2-3 weeks, gotta cure the lacquer, and i don't got a cam so i can't post any video...

too bad about the vid, but i can't wait for the pics. And mayby an audio file:cool: